UM Pallet stacker Prmk10-PS v2.0 EN
Installation instructions for the machine are identical to those of the vertical conveyor
Prorunner mk10. In the user manual of the Prmk10 the following subjects can be found:
A. Delivery
B. Unpacking
C. Location
D. On site transport
E. Preparations for a Qimarox installation (optional)
F. Installing the machine
The maintenance as described in this section is based on 2000
running hours per year. Adjust the maintenance frequency to the
actual number of running hours per year.
If required, Qimarox can carry out the maintenance work.
Specific safety regulations
For the proper functioning of the pallet stacker, the various parts must be regularly maintained.
In this way, defects and inaccuracies of the machine are prevented.
Only a qualified maintenance engineer is allowed to carry out
maintenance activities on the machine. Refer to chapter 2.6.
Working on the machine or on the lifting drives of the separate
machines may be started only if the carrier is prevented from
unintentional movement or falling.
Empty the machine and put the carrier into the lowest position before
starting any maintenance or repair activities.
Turn off the power supply to the machine with the main switch before
starting any maintenance or repair activities. Secure the main switch
with a padlock.
Switch off air service unit before starting any maintenance or repair
Take the appropriate measures for safely working at heights.
After having completed maintenance activities, always put all
safety provisions that have been removed in place again.
Do not use any corrosive and inflammable solvents or cleaning agents
on the machine that contain TRI, PER, TETRA or FCHC. When you use
chemical substances (cleaning agents), obey the instructions on the
Preventive maintenance schedule
Consult the user manual of the Prorunner mk10 for maintenance schedules of the Prmk10.