Pi HSC816 Installation Manual - Revision Beta
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Instant -
A zone or input will create an immediate alarm condition when armed.
Keypad -
The user interface to the control panel, from which all commands and functions are
carried out.
Keypad tamper
After 21 incorrect key depressions on the keypad, the system will go into a keypad
tamper condition. Entry of a valid 4-digit user code will clear this condition.
A terminal on the control panel that would be used to switch external peripherals
such as lights, sirens, strobe lights, gate control, etc.
A medical key is provided on the keypad to provide local keypad buzzers as an
audible warning, as well as report to the alarm monitoring company.
Memory -
After any alarm condition and a valid 4 digit user code has been entered the keypad
will display “Memory “ and the alarm condition that was present. Any 24-hour input
that is triggered in the disarmed mode will also be displayed as an alarm memory.
Entering of a valid 4-digit user code will clear the memory condition.
Panic -
A 24-hour input to provide local warning and/or remote communications to the
alarm monitoring company. These panic points could be either fixed, portable or
remote, or the panic key on the keypad.
Partition -
An area consisting of one or more zones, acting independently of any other areas.
A partition is controlled via its own keypad as if it were a separate control panel.
Users are assigned to operate in one or more partitions, during the system
programming cross partitioning can be setup.
Reset -
Clear an alarm condition by entering a valid 4-digit user code.
System ready -
All zones are closed and secure. System is ready for arming.
System not ready -
One or more zones are open or violated. These zone must be closed or if faulty,
bypassed before the system may be armed.
If programmed as tamper, the wiring and detectors are supervised on a 24-hour
basis against tampering (dual end of line).