Copyright Pyroban Ltd. Issue 1 Page 5 of 32
Part number PM1083ENG
System Overview
Gascheka duo is a ‘flammable-gas detection system’ for use on industrial vehicles. The system
will warn the vehicle operator if gas levels rise above 10% LEL
propane and will shut the
vehicle down if levels rise above 25% LEL propane.
For assured reliability, Gascheka duo has an automated gas test, which is performed every
time the system is activated from sleep mode. This is generally intended to be once a day at
the beginning of a shift. The vehicle cannot be used until the test is completed. Gas calibration
is performed using 0.5% propane in air contained in a 0.5 litre cylinder, which requires periodic
replacement. This gas mixture is non-flammable.
A set of driver and supervisor keys is provided with the system kit. The driver keys enable a
choice of power saving modes. The supervisor key will re-activate the vehicle if a gas shut
down has occurred and should be appointed to the local facility official responsible for site
The system kit includes pre-made leads for interconnecting the main components to facilitate
installation. Infrared or pellistor gas sensing heads can be specified depending on the potential
gases that may be present.
* LEL (Lower Explosion Limit); the weakest mixture of gas in air that will support an explosion.