Nixie Clock ‘SN18’
- 18 -
Decoupling capacitor C7
This is recommened for stable operation of the PIC16F
microcontroller. Solder it directly across the middle two pins of the
IC socket on the SOLDER side of the PCB. Ensure it points away
from the white markings of where the Piezo sounder will be placed.
Piezo sounder LS1
The piezo sounder is also placed on the SOLDER side of the PCB.
Use the two holes that best match up with the Piezo provided – two
different types may be supplied depending on part availability. It
should sit very neatly up against the PCB. Remember to trim the
excess leads on the COMPONENT side of the PCB.
Figure 25: Piezo sounder LS1
Figure 24: Decoupling
capacitor C7