Depending on the phone, you can also utilise the volume control that is
built in your mobile phone.
Please note that if you have two hearing instruments changing the
volume will apply to both hearing instruments in unison.
To mute your hearing instrument microphones push the microphone
mute/unmute button (4 on page 6) once on the front of the Phone Clip 2.
Battery consumption and the operating time of your Phone Clip 2
depend greatly on the usage of the device.
Your Phone Clip 2 battery can be recharged hundreds of times.
If the operating time reduces substantially, please contact your hearing
care professional.
To unmute your hearing instrument microphones push the microphone
mute/unmute button (4 on page 6) once on the front of the Phone Clip 2.
Push the program button (3 on page 6) to toggle through available
programs in your hearing instrument(s) (telecoil programs not supported
on 680 series).
Mute or unmute the microphone(s) on your
hearing instrument(s)
(not supported on 680 series)
Toggle through hearing instrument programs
Operating Time