Automatic Polymer Makedown Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
72-910-APMDS-E Rev D
Skid Layout and Components
Undesired Flow Alarm: There is a 5 second delay following closure of the Water
Inlet Solenoid Valve to the reading the flow switch status for alarm. If the Flow
Switch contact status is Closed (indicating flow, or a failure of the Water Inlet
Solenoid Valve to close) the alarm condition in will be activated.
Process Flush Cycle
This process begins when the Tank Fill operation has ended, triggered by the Low Level
Switch in the closed condition, and the High Level Switch moving from to open to the
closed condition. The Neat Polymer Pump will be de-energized and the Water Inlet
Solenoid Valve will be allowed to remain open for the ‘Flush Time’ period of 10 seconds.
When the Flush Time has expired, the Water Inlet Solenoid Valve will be de-energized
allowing it to close, ending the fill process.
Mixer Operation – Optional Equipment
The mixer is a 115V, 1/3Hp propeller or paddlewheel style unit that is flange mounted to the tank,
with either a Fixed Speed or Variable Speed motor. It is actuated via the HOA switch on the
control panel. In ‘Hand’ setting the mixer will run continuously. In ‘Auto’ mode it will follow a
timer sequence as selected by the operator from a multi position switch on the control panel. For
the VFD option, the speed adjustment for the mixer can be made on the mixer motor.
Level Sensor Operation
The Conductivity Level Sensor has 2 level positions that are pre-programmed into the unit, which
function as a Low Level Batch Start and a High Level Batch Stop. Each reports as discrete Dry
Contact signal. If the tank liquid level is above a particular set point, that contact will show as
closed, if below a particular set point the contact will show as open. The ‘High Level Alarm’ is a
separate float switch which will deactivate the system when closed. If this float ever comes in
contact with polymer it should be thoroughly cleaned or replaced.
The Ultrasonic Level Sensor has 3 level positions that are pre-programmed into the unit, which
function as a Low Level Batch Start, a High Level Batch Stop and a High Level Alarm. Each
reports as discrete Dry Contact signal. If the tank liquid level is above a particular set point, that
contact will show as closed, if below a particular set point the contact will show as open. The ‘High
Level Alarm’ is a separate float switch which will deactivate the system when closed. If this float
ever comes in contact with polymer it should be thoroughly cleaned or replaced.