Plug-in Design: Mateusz Woźniak & Piotr Kryger
Programming and Algorithms: Piotr Kryger
Algorithms' Supervision and Programming Assistance: Mateusz Woźniak
Graphics: Mateusz Woźniak
Documentation: Piotr Kryger & Orren Merton
Product Manager: Antoni Ożyński
Thanks to all our customers around the world for ideas and help in development of new plug-ins!
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“PSP B-Scanner”, and “It’s the sound that counts!” are trademarks of s.c.
Hammond, Hammond A-100, Hammond B-2, Hammond B-3, Hammond C-2, Hammond C-3 and Hammond
RT-3 are trademarks of respective owners and are used only for reference purposes.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 2016 s.c.