Troubleshooting (continued)
Causes and Comments
Quantus™ Fluorometer powered up,
Unplug USB Cord from the instrument, and
but the screen was blank or could not
plug the cord back in, making sure no buttons
be deciphered or did not respond
are pressed during this time.
when buttons are pressed
Quantus™ Fluorometer was plugged in, Instrument entered sleep mode. Press any
but the screen was dark
button to wake up the instrument.
5.B. Error Messages
Codes or Messages
Causes and Comments
Incomplete (on Calibration screen)
The protocol was not calibrated. Calibrate the
protocol from the Calibration screen. See
Section 3.A or 3.C.
Invalid (on Calibration screen)
The expected standard-to-blank ratio was not
met. Check the preparation of standard and
blank samples to ensure that they were
prepared correctly. Prepare new blank and
standard samples if necessary. Measure
fluorescence again. Press “Save” after
measuring the fluorescence of the new standard
and blank samples to retain the calibration
Valid (on Calibration screen)
The standard-to-blank ratio was within the
parameters expected by the instrument. Press
“Save” to retain the calibration values, and
proceed to measure fluorescence of the
unknown samples.
Lower than Blank (on the Main screen) The unknown sample was lower than that of the
blank sample. LOW will appear on the History
screen, but the raw RFU values will still be
displayed. This indicates no sample was present
in the tube holder or there was a problem with
sample preparation.
Saturated (on the Main screen)
Fluorescence was beyond the linear range of the
instrument. SAT will appear on the History
screen for both the concentration and raw RFU
value. Dilute the sample or standard, and
measure fluorescence again.
Higher than Standard
The unknown sample was over 10% higher than
that of the standard sample. The raw RFU values
will still be displayed on the history screen.
Promega Corporation
2800 Woods Hollow Road
Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA
Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526
Phone 608-274-4330
Fax 608-277-2516
Part# TM396
Printed in USA.
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Revised 1/20
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