Produal Oy
Copyright © 2020 Produal Oy - All rights reserved - 07/2020
- 12/28
Enquiries: T:
+358 10 219 9100
"Open For" Configuration - The digital volt-free input can be used to activate ECO or OFF mode when
the contact opens. In this mode it can be connected to a window switch or door card switch.
Alarm Configuration - when the contact closes the "DI Contact Alarm" alarm message is displayed on
the screen.
Network option is selected when the digital input is used for monitoring purposes only.
Close for Night - when the contact closes the device goes to NIGHT MODE, where the user setpoint is
greyed out, the fan speed is set to a predetermined value, and where on return the fan speed goes to
Auto and the setpoint resets to Nominal setpoin.
Analogue 0-10Vdc Outputs
(TRI-3A Models only)
The TRI-3A models have 3 x 0..10Vdc Y1/Y2/Y3 analogue outputs. The configuration options for
outputs are:-
Setpoint; current setpoint is scaled over 0..10Vdc between Min/Max Setpoint Adjustments
CO2 (option); the CO2 reading is scaled over 0..10Vdc (as default 0..5,000ppm)
Humidity (option); the humidity measurement is scaled over 0..10Vdc (0..100%rH)
Sensor1 (RI1); RI1 reading is scaled over 0..10Vdc (as default 0..50°C = 0..100.0%)
Sensor2 (RI2); RI2 reading is scaled over 0..10Vdc (as default 0..50°C = 0..100.0%)
Sensor3 (Built-In Sensor); Built-In Sensor Reading is scaled over 0..10Vdc(as default 0..50°C =
Fan Speed; thecurrent selected Fan Speed is scaled over 0..10Vdc (1-speed: 0=0%, 1=100%;
2-speed: 0=0%, 1=50%, 2=100%; 3-speed: 0=0%, 1=33%, 2=66%, 3=100%; 6-speed: 0=0%,
1=17%, 2=33%, 3=50%, 4=66%, 5=83%, 6=100%)
Maximum Temperature Scale at 10V output, and maximum CO2 at 10V output can be
configured through Inputs/Outputs configuration menu.
Humidity Measurement (-RH
The models with RH option have a 2%rH accurate humidity sensor for room space humidity
measurement. The humidity reading is displayed inside the SMALL ACTION CIRCLE (display as
default enabled, option to disable through configuration pages).
With MOD/BAC models the humidity reading is available over the communication network as a
network variable.
With TRI-3A models the humidity measurement can be sent to any of the analogue 0-10Vdc outputs
CO2 Measurement (-CO2
The models with CO2 option can monitor and measure the CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) levels. The
measured CO2 is shown on the display in the SMALL ACTION RING. The CO2 display can be
disabled in the Maintenance Mode if required.
With MOD/BAC-models the CO2 reading is available as a network variable.
With TRI-3A models the CO2 reading can be sent to the analogue Y1/Y2/Y3 outputs. The reading is
scaled over 0..5,000ppm.
Integration with CU Control
The Modbus models can integrate with the
Produal CU Control Unit. The TRI provides
for the CU the following functionality:-
TRI Room
TRI Room
Up to 2 TRI
per CU
•Temperature Measurement
•Humidity Measurement (RH Models)
•CO2 Measurements (CO2 Models)
•Setpoint Adjustment
•Fan Speed Adjustment
•Night / ECO Mode Override
For full Modbus register map provided for the
CU integration, please refer to the Alternative
Modbus Registers section.
For the CU to communicate with the TRI the following configuration parameters must be set as
defined in the below table (these are loaded as -default).
Touchscreen Calibration
The touchscreen can be re-calibrated by pressing the screen on power-up, or when returning from the
System Maintenance Screen pressing the screen during the reboot. Calibrate the screen by swiping
to the all four edges of the screen and then press OK to accept the new settings.
Settings Group
Parameter Name
Required Setting
Setpoint Limit Mode
1 = Relative
Fan Manual Control
10 = CU-3-Step+Auto
Fan Speed Display
4 = Coloured Bar + Fan