4-4 The description of abbreviation
1. SP
Space, the ASCII code is 20 Hexadecimal.
2. ;
Semicolon, Program line terminator, the ASCII code is OA Hexadecimal.
3. NL
New line, Program line terminator, the ASCII code is OA Hexadecimal.
4. N
Integer number from 1 to 8.
5. NR2
Digits with decimal point. It can be accepted in the range and format of ##.#####.
For Eexample
10.12345, 5.0
The description of GPIB/RS-232C programming command syntax.
1. { }
The contents of the { } symbol must be used as a part or data of the GPIB/RS-232C
command, it can not be omitted.
2. [ ]
The contents of the [ ] symbol indicts the command can be used or not. It depends
on the testing application.
3. |
This symbol means option. For example
means it can only use A or B as the
command, it can choose only one as the setting command.
4. Terminator
You have to send the program line terminator character after send the
GPIB/RS-232C command, the available command terminator characters which can be
accepted in 3260A Series High Power Load is listed in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3 GPIB/RS-232C command terminator
A terminator informs GPIB/RS-232C that it has reached the end of statement. Normally,
this is sent automatically by your GPIB/RS-232C programming statements. In this
manual, the terminator is assumed at the end of each example line of code. If it needs to
be indicated, it is shown by symbol (nl); which stand for
new line
and represents
ASCII code byte the OA Hexadecimal or 10 decimal.
5. Semicolon
The semicolon
is a back-up command, the semicolon allows
you to combine command statement on one line to create command message.