© 2012 by Proceq SA
12. Troubleshooting
12.1. Incorrect measurements or failed performance check
• During the check, if the average deviates from the setpoint value by more than ±6 HL:
1. Clean the impact body, paying close attention especially to the indenter ball at the
bottom and to the catch pin at the top of the body). Replace the impact body if
necessary, or replace the test block if there is insufficient space for additional tests.
2. Clean the impact device.
3. Check the mounting and wear of the support ring. Check for deposits. Clean or
replace if necessary.
4. If the instrument still shows excessive deviations: return the device to an authorized
Proceq Service Center for recalibration / inspection.
• The incorrect material group, hardness scale or a wrong setting for the impact direction
may have been selected. Refer to section 6. “Settings”.
• The selected hardness scale is not in the permissible range (“noCnv”). Select another scale.
• Individual values are scattered very widely or are continuously too low.
1. The testing point is insufficiently prepared. Carefully prepare the testing point for
the impact, see section 2.2. “Sample preparations”.
2. The impact is triggered while the device is not held vertically on the surface.
This may occur especially when using impact device DL. Try using the plexiglass
sleeve DL for better alignment.
3. Sample is insufficiently supported. Prepare the sample for the impact e.g. through
applying Equotip coupling paste, see section 2.6. “Testing light samples”.
Do not re-grind test blocks or try to refurbish impact bodies. This will im-
pair accuracy and may also deteriorate functionality of the Equotip 3.
12.2. No reading displayed
• Check the connection of the impact device cable.
• Check if a genuine Equotip impact body (with the engraving "equo") is inserted in the
impact device by unscrewing the support ring.
• Check for tight seating of the support ring on the thread of the impact device.
• Check whether the impact body is armed and released when conducting the load – trigger
procedure. If not, the catch chuck of the impact device may be broken. Replace the impact
device by a basic Equotip 3 impact device.
12.3. Empty display
• If nothing is indicated on the display, activate the device through pressing any key or
perform an impact.
• If nothing happens, the instrument may be too cold and/or the battery may be discharged.
Take the device to a warmer place and/or charge the battery.
12.4. Battery
• If the indicating device does not switch on, recharge the battery using the Equotip 3 AC
power adapter, see section 4.4. “Charging the battery”.
• The battery can be replaced with another Equotip 3 Lithium-Ion battery, or with 3 standard
cells size “C” (Alkaline, NiCd or NiMH). Lithium-Ion batteries can be recycled.
• Recalibration of lifetime indicator:
1. Make sure the settings in “Config” – “System Settings” – “Power manager...” are
all set to “never”.