PROCASTER 43UNB815H Скачать руководство пользователя страница 71


   - 70 -

Switching On/Off

To Switch the TV On

Connect the power cord to a power source such as a 

wall socket (220-240V AC, 50 Hz). 
To switch on the TV from standby mode either:


Press the 




 or a 

numeric button on the remote control.


Press the centre of the joystick on the TV in or push 

it up/down.

To Switch the TV Off

Press the 


button on the remote control or 

press the centre of the joystick on the TV in and hold 

it down for a few seconds, the TV will switch into 

standby mode.

To power down the TV completely, unplug the 

power cord from the mains socket.


 When the TV is switched into standby mode, the standby 

LED can blink to indicate that features such as Standby 

Search, Over Air Download or Timer is active. The LED can 

also blink when you switch on the TV from standby mode.

First Time Installation

When turned on for the first time, the language 

selection screen is displayed. Select the desired 

language and press 


. In the following steps of 

the installation guide, set your preferences using the 

directional buttons and 



On the second screen set your country preference.


Depending on the 


 selection you may be asked 

to set and confirm a PIN at this point. The selected PIN 

cannot be 0000. You have to enter it if you are asked 

to enter a PIN for any menu operation later.
You can activate 

Store Mode

 option in the next step. 

This option will configure your TV’s settings for store 

environment and depending on the TV model being 

used, the supported features of it may be displayed on 

the side of the screen as an info banner. This option 

is intended only for store use. It is recommended to 


Home Mode

 for home use. This option will be 

available in 


 menu and can 

be turned off/on later. Make your selection and press 


 to continue. 

Depending on the model of your TV and the country 


Privacy Settings

 menu may appear at 

this point. Using this menu you can set your privacy 

privileges. Highlight a feature and use Left and 

Right directional buttons to enable or disable. Read 

the related explanations displayed on the screen 

for each highlighted feature before making any 

changes. You can use 


 buttons to 

scroll up and down to read the entire text. You will 

be able to change your preferences at any time 

later from the 

Settings>System>Privacy Settings


menu. If the 

Internet Connection

 option is disabled 

Network/Internet Settings

 screen will be skipped 

and not displayed. If you have any questions, 

complaints or comments regarding this privacy 

policy or its enforcement, please contact by email at 

[email protected].



and press 


 button on the remote 

control to continue and the 

Network/Internet Settings


menu will be displayed. Please refer to 



section to configure a wired or a wireless connection.  

If you want your TV to consume less power in standby 

mode, you can disable the 

Wake On

 option by setting it 



. After the settings are completed highlight 



and press 


 button to continue.

On next screen you can set broadcast types to be 

searched, set your encrypted channel searching  

and time zone (depending on the country selection)

preferences. Additionally you can set a broadcast 

type as your favourite one. Priority will be given to the 

selected broadcast type during the search process 

and the channels of it will be listed on the top of the 

channel list. When finished, highlight 


 and press 


 to continue.

About Selecting Broadcast Type

To turn a search option for a broadcast type highlight 

it and press 


. The checkbox next to the selected 

option will be checked. To turn the search option off 

clear the checkbox by pressing 


 after moving the 

focus on the desired broadcast type option.

Digital Aerial:


D. Aerial

 broadcast search option 

is turned on, the TV will search for digital terrestrial 

broadcasts after other initial settings are completed.

Digital Cable:


D. Cable

 broadcast search option 

is turned on, the TV will search for digital cable 

broadcasts after other initial settings are completed. 

A message will be displayed before starting to search 

asking if you want to perform cable network search. If 

you select 


 and press 


 you can select 



or set values such as 


Network ID


Search Step 

on the next screen. If you select 



and press 


 you can set 








Search Step 

on the next screen. 

When finished, highlight 


 and press 



to continue.


 Searching duration will change depending on the 


Search Step





 broadcast search option is 

turned on, the TV will search for analogue broadcasts 

after other initial settings are completed.
After the initial settings are completed TV will start 

to search for available broadcasts of the selected 

broadcast types.
While the search continues current scan results will 

be displayed at the bottom of the screen. After all the 

available stations are stored, 


menu will be 

displayed. You can edit the channel list according to 

Содержание 43UNB815H


Страница 2: ...13 Asetusvalikon sis lt 14 TV n yleinen k ytt 18 Kanavaluettelon k ytt minen 18 Lapsilukon asetukset 18 S hk inen ohjelmaopas 18 Teksti TV palvelut 19 Ohjelmiston p ivitys 19 Vianm ritys ohjeita 19 Ti...

Страница 3: ...iden johtojen kanssa Jos johto vahingoittuu se tulee vaihtaa valmistajan tai ammattitaitoisen henkil n toimesta Televisiota ei saa asettaa alttiiksi tippuvalle tai roiskuvalle vedelle sen vuoksi l sij...

Страница 4: ...yssarja on lis varuste Saat sen j lleenmyyj lt jos sit ei toimitettu TV n mukana l asenna TV t kattoon tai kaltevalle pinnalle K yt m ritettyj asennusruuveja ja muita lis varusteita Kirist asennusruuv...

Страница 5: ...lkik sittelytekniikoihin Dolby Vi sion toimintoa tuetaan natiivi ja portaalisovellusten HDMI ja USB tulojen kautta Asetukset Kuva Tila valikossa on kaksi esim ritetty kuvatilaa jos Dol by Vision sis l...

Страница 6: ...a vasemmalle suuntapainikkeilla ja valitse kohta jonne haluat siirt kohteen ja paina OK 2 TV 2 1 Opas Voitavatas hk isenohjelmaoppaant ll vaihtoehdolla Katso lis tietoja Elektroninen ohjelmaopas EPG o...

Страница 7: ...ikuttavat valitun HDMI l hteen v riasetuksiin 4K kuvien katselemiseksi HDMI l hteest l hteen asetukseksi tulee asettaa Parannettu mik li laite on HDMI 2 0 tai uudempien versioiden kanssa yhteensopiva...

Страница 8: tuotteen J tteen v r h vitt minen voi olla rangaistava teko kansallisen lains d nn n mukaisesti Yritykset Jos haluat h vitt tuotteen ota yhteytt j lleenmyyj n ja tarkasta ostosopimuksesi ehdot ja s...

Страница 9: ...13 Kelaus taaksep in Siirt ruutuja taaksep in mediassa kuten elokuvat 14 Tallenna Tallentaa ohjelmat 15 Toista K ynnist valitun median toiston 16 Tauko Keskeytt median toiston aloittaa ajansiirtotalle...

Страница 10: ...K ytett ess sein asennussarjaa saatavissa alan liikkeest mik li ei sis toim itukseen suosittelemme ett liit t kaikki johdot takaliit nt ihin ennen TV n asentamista sein n Liit tai poista CI moduuli v...

Страница 11: vosshub com Korosta Seuraava ja paina kaukos timen OK painiketta ja Verkko Internet Asetukset tulee esiin Katso kohtaa Liitett vyys asettaaksesi langallisen tai langattoman yhteyden Jos halua...

Страница 12: ...sen viive voi tapahtua ajanvaihdon aikana Radiotallennus on tuettu TV voi tallentaa ohjelmia kymmenen tuntia Tallennetut ohjelmat jaetaan 4GT n osioihin Jos liitetyn USB levyn kirjoitusnopeus ei ole r...

Страница 13: ...K Kuva asetukset niasetukset Mediaselaimen asetukset ja Vaihtoehdot valikot ovat k ytett viss N iden valikoiden sis lt voi vaihdella avatun mediatiedostotyypin mukaan Vain niasetukset valikko on k yte...

Страница 14: ...television kanssa nenvoimakkuutta voidaan hallita television kaukos timen avulla Aktivoidaksesi t m n ominaisuuden aseta Kaiuttimet valinnan valinnaksi Asetukset J rjestelm Lis valikossa Vahvistin Te...

Страница 15: ...ikkeita Kuvan zoomaus Asettaa halutun kuvaformaatin koon Kuvasiirto T m vaihtoehto voi olla k ytett viss riippuen Kuvan zoomaus asetuksesta Korosta ja paina OK ja siirr kuvaa yl s tai alas suuntapaini...

Страница 16: ...hto tilaan Kuulokkeet Varmista ennen kuulokkeiden k ytt ett valikon valinnaksi on asetettu Kuulokkeet Mik li asetuksena on Linjal ht kuulokkeiden nenvoimakkuus on suurimmillaan mik voi vahingoittaa ku...

Страница 17: ...nnetut kanavat ja asetukset palauttaa TV n tehdasasetukset J rjestelm nivalikon Sis lt Ehdollinen p sy Ohjaa Ehdollinen p sy kun k ytett viss Kieli Voit asettaa toisen kielen l hett j st ja maasta rii...

Страница 18: ...iseen valmiustilaan siirtymiselle kun TV t ei k ytet T ksi arvoksi voidaan asettaa 1 8 tuntia 1 tunnin askelilla Voit poistaa toiminnon k yt st valitsemalla Pois Liiketila Valitse t m tila tallennusta...

Страница 19: ...tai It valta Lapsilukon oletusarvoksi on asetettu 18 Lapsilukko Kun valinta on asetettu tilaan P lle TV t voidaan ohjata kauko ohjaimen avulla T ss tapauksessa television painikkeet eiv t ole k yt ss...

Страница 20: ...eksti TV Paina Text painiketta tarkastellaksesi digitaalisen teksti tv n tietoja K ytt sit v ripainikkeilla suuntapainikkeilla ja OK painikkeella K ytt tapa voi erota riippuen digitaalisen teksti TV n...

Страница 21: ...ita Hakemisto Resoluutio Taajuus 1 640x350 85Hz 2 640x480 60Hz 3 640x480 72Hz 4 640x480 75Hz 5 800x600 56Hz 6 800x600 60Hz 7 800x600 72Hz 8 800x600 75Hz 9 1024x768 60Hz 10 1024x768 70Hz 11 1024x768 75...

Страница 22: ...fps 100Mbps MKV mkv WebM webm Kuvatiedostomuodot Kuvat Valokuvat Resoluutio leveys x korkeus JPEG Perustaso 15360x8640 Progressiivinen 1024x768 PNG ei lomitettu 9600x6400 lomitus 1200x800 BMP 9600x640...

Страница 23: ...avi Matroska mkv mka 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MP4 mp4 mov m4a LBR cook 8KHz 11 025KHz 22 05KHz 44 1KHz 6Kbps 128Kbps RM ra FLAC 8KHz 96KHz 1 6Mbit s Matroska mkv mka Tekstitystiedostomuodot Sis iset tekstitykse...

Страница 24: m ll DVI muuntokaapeleita DVI HDMI kaapeli ei sis lly toimitukseen katso seuraavat resoluutiotiedot 56Hz 60Hz 66Hz 70Hz 72Hz 75Hz 640x480 x x 800x600 x x x 1024x768 x x x 1280x768 x x 1280x960 x 13...

Страница 25: ...a Korosta haluamasi asetus ja paina Vasen tai Oikea painikkeita vaihtaaksesi asetukset Automaattisesta Manuaaliseksi Voit nyt sy tt Manuaalisen IP ja tai Manuaalisen DNS arvon Valitse haluamasi asetus...

Страница 26: ...a tiedostonjakosovellus Liit TV reitittimeen yll esitettyjen ohjeiden mukaan Liit sitten puhelimesi reitittimeen ja k ynnist puhelimen tiedostonjako ohjelma Valitse sitten tiedostot jotka haluat jakaa...

Страница 27: ...internetiin On my s mahdollista ett yhteys ei ole k ytett viss palomuuriongelman takia Jos luulet ett t m aiheuttaa ongelman ota yhteytt internet palveluntarjoajaan Palomuuri saattaa olla syy yhteyson...

Страница 28: ...tta Korosta sitten Lis pikalinkkeihin vaihtoehto alivalikosta ja paina OK painiketta Nimi ja Osoitetiedot t ytet n automaattisesti vierailemasi sivuston mukaisesti Valitse OK ja paina OK painiketta li...

Страница 29: ...neesi tai puhelimesi avulla voit striimata helposti lempiohjelmiasi lytelevisioltasi Voit my s k ynnist sovelluksesi k ytt tablettitietokonetta television kaukos timen ja jakaa mediatiedostoja Huomaut...

Страница 30: ...noista edellytt v t internet yhteyden FollowMe TV ominaisuus mik li saatavilla Napauta FOLLOW ME TV kuvaketta mobiililaiteen n yt n vasemmassa alareunassa vaihtaaksesi FollowMe ominaisuuden asettelua...

Страница 31: vain maassa jota varten se on suunniteltu Vaikka t m DVB vastaanotin vastaa sen valmistushetkell voimassa olleita DVB ominaisuuksia emme voi taata sen yhteensopivuutta tulevien DVB l hetysten kanss...

Страница 32: ...EC 42 E manual 43 Inst llningar menyinneh ll 44 Allm n TV drift 48 Att anv nda kanallistan 48 Konfigurering av f r ldrainst llningar 48 Elektronisk programguide 48 Telefontj nster 49 Programvaruppgrad...

Страница 33: ...sladdar Om n tsladden eller kontakten r skadad m ste den bytas ut Detta f r endast g ras av utbildad personal Uts tt inte TV n f r droppande eller st nk av v tskor och placera inte f rem l fyllda med...

Страница 34: elektrisk isolering under ett visst frekvensomr de galvanisk isolator V GGMONTERINGSVARNINGAR L s instruktionerna innan du monterar TV n p v ggen V ggmonteringskitet r valfritt Du kan f det fr n di...

Страница 35: ...len och anv nda ett h gre dynamiskt f rg och kontrastomr de pre senterar Dolby Vision fantastiska verkliga bilder med h pnadsv ckande detaljer som andra efterbehand lingsteknologier i TV n inte kan pr...

Страница 36: ...yn Hem Press the Down direction button and select the delete or move alternativ and press OK F r att flytta ett menyalternativ anv nder du h ger och v nster riktningknappar f r att v lja den position...

Страница 37: befintliga Se avsnittet Appar f r mer information 5 K llor Du kan hantera dina ing ngsk llsreferenser med alternativen i den h r menyn F r att ndra aktuell k lla markera en av alternativen och try...

Страница 38: ...indra m jliga negativa effekter p milj n och h lsan vilket annars skulle kunna orsakas av ol mplig avfallshantering av dessa produkter F r mer information om insamlingsst llen och tervinning av dessa...

Страница 39: ...pela in Spelar in program 15 Spela B rjar spela utvald media 16 Paus Pausar median som spelas startar en tidsf rskjutande inspelning 17 Stopp Stoppar median fr n att spelas 18 Snabbspolning fram t Spo...

Страница 40: ...i butik om det inte medf ljer rekommenderar vi att du f ster alla a finns att k pa av tredjepart i butik om det inte medf ljer rekommenderar vi att du f ster alla kablarna bak p tv n innan du monterar...

Страница 41: ...klagom l eller kommentarer ang ende denna sekretesspolicy eller dess verkst llighet v nligen kontakta via e post p smarttvsecurity vosshub com Markera N sta och tryck OK p fj rrkontrollen f r att fort...

Страница 42: ...s att anv nda USB HDD s Inspelade program sparas p det anslutna USB minnet Om du vill kan du lagra kopiera inspelningar p en dator Dessa filer kommer dock inte att kunna spelas p en dator Du kan bara...

Страница 43: ...mationsf ltet som visas l ngst ned p sk rmen n r du trycker p knappen Info n r du spelar upp en videofil eller visar en bildfil Tryck p knappen Info markera kugghjulsymbolen i p h ger sida om informat...

Страница 44: ...e att anv ndas med Tv n Volymen kan kontrolleras med tv ns fj rrkontroll F r att aktivera funktionen st ll in H gtalaralternativen i menyn Inst llningar System Mer som H gtalare TV h gtalarna m ste ty...

Страница 45: ...ildskift Det h r alternativet kan finnas tillg ngligt beroende p inst llningen bildzoom Markera och tryck OK anv nd sedan riktningsknapparna f r att flytta bilden upp t eller ned t Filml ge Filmerna s...

Страница 46: skada din h rsel Dolby Audio Smart film musik nyheter ochAv r tillg ngliga alternativ Ange somAv f r att inaktivera Observera Vissa objekt i ljud menyn visas nedtonade och otillg ngliga om satt til...

Страница 47: ...ange ett nytt PIN f r att ndra Standard CICAM PIN koden med hj lp av de relaterade alternativen Observera Vissa menyalternativ kanske inte r tillg ngliga beroende p vilket landsval som r gjord vid F r...

Страница 48: ...l ter dig alltid dela filer som lagrats p din smarttelefon eller platta Om du har kompatibel smarttelefon eller platta och passande programvara r installerad du kan dela spela foton p din tv Se anvisn...

Страница 49: ...p rr Om alternativet r inst llt P kan tv n endast kontrolleras med fj rrkontroll D fungerar inte kontrollknapparna p tv n Internetl s Om det h r alternativet r inst llt p P inaktiveras internetapplika...

Страница 50: ...och kan v ljas med f rgknapparna F lj instruktionerna som visas p sk rmen Digital text TV Tryckp text knappenf rattsedigitalteletext information Anv nddenmeddef rgadeknapparna pilknapparnaoch ok knapp...

Страница 51: ...gar Index Uppl sning Frekvens 1 640x350 85Hz 2 640x480 60Hz 3 640x480 72Hz 4 640x480 75Hz 5 800x600 56Hz 6 800x600 60Hz 7 800x600 72Hz 8 800x600 75Hz 9 1024x768 60Hz 10 1024x768 70Hz 11 1024x768 75Hz...

Страница 52: ...VP9 4K2K 30fps 100Mbps MKV mkv WebM webm Bildfilformat Bild Foto Uppl sning bredd x h jd JPEG Baslinje 15360x8640 Progressiv 1024x768 PNG ej gr nssnitt 9600x6400 interlace 1200x800 BMP 9600x6400 Ljudf...

Страница 53: ...av AVI avi Matroska mkv mka 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MP4 mp4 mov m4a LBR utg ng 8KHz 11 025KHz 22 05KHz 44 1KHz 6Kbps 128Kbps RM ra FLAC 8KHz 96KHz 1 6Mbps Matroska mkv mka Undertextfilformat Intern textning F r...

Страница 54: ...V s kontakter genom att anv nda DVI konverteringskablar medf ljer ej kan du anv nda f ljande information 56Hz 60Hz 66Hz 70Hz 72Hz 75Hz 640x480 x x 800x600 x x x 1024x768 x x x 1280x768 x x 1280x960 x...

Страница 55: ...gar Markera Avancerade Inst llningar och tryck p OK knappen P n sta sk rm kan du f r ndra IP och DNS inst llningar p tv n Markera den nskade och tryck p v nster eller h ger knapp f r att ndra inst lln...

Страница 56: ...ara och tryck p OK knappen f r att spara inst llningarna n r du r klar vrig information Statusen f r anslutningen kommer att visas som Ansluten eller Inte Ansluten och den aktuellt IP adressen om en a...

Страница 57: ...lg nglig Ljud videodelning fungerar inte Om MAC adressen ett unikt identifierarnummer p din PC eller modem har permanent registrerats r det m jligt att din TV inte kan ansluta till Internet I s fall b...

Страница 58: ...kesalternativ och webbl sarf ltet som inneh ller f reg ende n sta knappar uppdatera adress s kf lt kortnummer och Vewd knappar r tillg ngliga F rattl ggatillen nskadwebbplatsiKortnummerlistan f r snab...

Страница 59: ...l v nster kan avslutas genom att trycka p 0 HbbTV anv nder knapparna p fj rrkontrollen f r att kommunicera med anv ndaren N r ett HbbTV program startas tas en del funktioner av fj rrkontrollen ver av...

Страница 60: ...llingen f r att g till TV s kssk rmen samt f r ndra till en annan TV Redigera anpassningen av kanallista Du kan redigera din anpassade kanallista med hj lp av den h r inst llningen V lj kanallistans k...

Страница 61: ...ngsenhet i FAT32 format kr vs f r USB inspelningsfunktion om det finns Noteringar St ds f r Androidenheter Normal mdpi Stora hdpi och Extra Stora xhdpi sk rmstorlekar Enheter med 3 eller mindre sk rma...

Страница 62: ...72 CEC 72 E Manual 73 Settings Menu Contents 74 General TV Operation 78 Using the Channel List 78 Configuring Parental Settings 78 Electronic Programme Guide 78 Teletext Services 79 Software Upgrade 7...

Страница 63: ...r cords When damaged it must be replaced this should only be done by qualified personnel Do not expose the TV to dripping or splashing of liquids and do not place objects filled with liquids such as v...

Страница 64: ...ion system has therefore to be provided through a device providing electrical isolation below a certain frequency range galvanic isolator WALL MOUNTING WARNINGS Read the instructions before mounting y...

Страница 65: ...y Vision presents amazing true to life images with stunning detail that other post processing technologies in the TV aren t able to produce Dolby Vision is supported via native and market applications...

Страница 66: the Home menu Press the Down direction button and select Delete or Move option and press OK In order to move a menu item use the Right and Left direction buttons to select the position that you wan...

Страница 67: ...sable selected source options There are also Regular Enhanced and Disabled options available for HDMI sources Regular and Enhanced options are affecting the colour settings of the selected HDMI source...

Страница 68: ...ollection points and recycling of these products please contact your local municipal office your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product Penalties may be applicabl...

Страница 69: ...edia such as movies 14 Record Records programmes 15 Play Starts to play selected media 16 Pause Pauses the media being played starts timeshift recording 17 Stop Stops the media being played 18 Fast Fo...

Страница 70: ...arty in the market if not supplied we recommend that you plug all your cables into the back of the TV before mounting on the wall Insert or remove the CI module only when the TV is SWITCHED OFF You sh...

Страница 71: ...ernet Settings screen will be skipped and not displayed If you have any questions complaints or comments regarding this privacy policy or its enforcement please contact by email at smarttvsecurity vos...

Страница 72: duration programmes such as movies it is recommended to use USB Hard disk drives HDD s Recorded programmes are saved into the connected USB disk If desired you can store copy recordings onto a comp...

Страница 73: ...en pressed the Info button while playing back a video file or displaying a picture file Press the Info button highlight the gear wheel symbol positioned on the right side of the information bar and pr...

Страница 74: ...olume can be controlled using the remote control of the TV To activate this feature set the Speakers option in the Settings System More menu as Amplifier The TV speakers will be muted and the sound of...

Страница 75: ...ure Shift This option may be available depending on the Picture Zoom setting Highlight and press OK then use directional buttons to shift the picture upwards or downwards Film Mode Filmsarerecordedata...

Страница 76: ...item is set to Headphone If it is set to Lineout the output from the headphone socket will be set to maximum which could damage your hearing Dolby Audio Smart Movie Music News and Off options will be...

Страница 77: ...lable Language You may set a different language depending on the broadcaster and the country Privacy Settings Manage your privacy privileges for smart TV related applications Press OK to enter the men...

Страница 78: ...Auto TV OFF Sets the desired time for the TV to automatically go into standby mode when not being operated This option can be set from 1 to 8 hours in steps of 1 hour You can also disable this option...

Страница 79: 18 as default Child Lock If this option is set to On the TV can only be controlled by the remote control In this case the control buttons on the TV will not work Internet Lock If this option is se...

Страница 80: ...sing the coloured buttons Follow the instructions displayed on the screen Digital Teletext Press the Text button to view digital teletext information Operate it with the coloured buttons cursor button...

Страница 81: ...e is displayed on the screen while starting a recording try restarting the recording If you still get the same error it is possible that your USB storage device does not meet the speed requirements Tr...

Страница 82: ...720p 50Hz 60Hz O 1080i 50Hz 60Hz O 1080p 24Hz 25Hz 30Hz 50Hz 60Hz O 3840x2160p 24Hz 25Hz 30Hz 50Hz 60Hz O 4096x2160p 24Hz 25Hz 30Hz 50Hz 60Hz O X Not Available O Available In some cases a signal on th...

Страница 83: ...K2K 30fps 100Mbps MKV mkv WebM webm Picture File Formats Image Photo Resolution width x height JPEG Base line 15360x8640 Progressive 1024x768 PNG non interlace 9600x6400 interlace 1200x800 BMP 9600x64...

Страница 84: ...AVI avi Matroska mkv mka 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MP4 mp4 mov m4a LBR cook 8KHz 11 025KHz 22 05KHz 44 1KHz 6Kbps 128Kbps RM ra FLAC 8KHz 96KHz 1 6Mbps Matroska mkv mka Subtitle File Formats Internal Subtitles E...

Страница 85: ...s by using DVI converter cable DVI to HDMI cable not supplied you can refer to the following resolution information 56Hz 60Hz 66Hz 70Hz 72Hz 75Hz 640x480 x x 800x600 x x x 1024x768 x x x 1280x768 x x...

Страница 86: ...DNS settings of the TV Highlight the desired one and press Left or Right button to change the setting from Automatic to Manual Now you can enter the Manual IP and or Manual DNS values Select the relat...

Страница 87: ...evice has WLAN feature you can connect it to your TV via a router in order to access the content in your device For this your mobile device must have an appropriate sharing software Connect your TV to...

Страница 88: ...o the internet This is a precaution against unauthorized access Since your TV has its own MAC address your internet service provider cannot validate the MAC address of your TV For this reason your TV...

Страница 89: ...the OK button to add Whilst you are on the site you wish to add to the Speed Dial list highlight the Vewd button and press the OK button Then highlight Add to Speed Dial option in the submenu and pre...

Страница 90: ...More menu in Settings System menu Depending on the model of your TV and the selected country option in the First Time Installation this feature might be available in the Settings System Privacy Setti...

Страница 91: ...there are links to facebook and twitter pages of the programme selected CAST CREW Shows all the people contributed to the current programme VIDEOS Provides videos on Youtube related to the selected p...

Страница 92: ...ity information This DVB receiver is only suitable for use in the country which it was designed to be used in Although this DVB receiver conforms to the latest DVB specifications at the time of manufa...

Страница 93: ...6 96 97 98 98 98 99 99 101 102 103 103 USB 104 USB 104 105 FollowMe TV 106 CEC 106 107 108 113 113 113 113 114 115 115 116 AV HDMI 116 USB 117 117 117 117 118 DVI 119 120 120 120 Wake ON 121 122 122 1...

Страница 94: ...93 2000 5...

Страница 95: ...94 II i CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT 1 1 2...

Страница 96: ...1 a b g n WLAN HbbTV Ultra HD UHD Ultra HD 4 3840x2160 4K 2K 4 Full HD TV Full HD TV Ultra HD HDMI USB DVB T2 DVB S2 HDR HLG HDR HLG HDR HLG HDMI USB DVB S HDMI Enhanced Sources HDR HLG HDR HLG HDMI H...

Страница 97: ...96 Dolby Vision Dolby Vision Dolby Vision AAA 2 HDMI 3 Auto TV OFF 1 8 5 OK OK P V V P OSD Menu Return Back Menu...

Страница 98: ...97 OK OK OK Back Return 1 Home menu Home menu Home menu 2 2 1 EPG 2 2 2 3 OK OK OK OK OK Set Cancel OK OK 2 4 Max Timeshift...

Страница 99: ...None Oldest Longest Shortest Discard None Unplayed Included Excluded USB OK Back Return USB FAT32 Format Disk USB 0000 1234 3 EPG 4 5 OK 5 1 Source HDMI HDMI 4 HDMI HDMI 2 0 HDMI 1 4 HDMI 220 240 50 A...

Страница 100: ...ator Inc Dolby Laboratories Dolby Dolby Audio D Dolby Laboratories YouTube YouTube Google Inc Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft PlayReady PlayReady PlayReady WMDRM Microsoft PlayReady PlayReady CI Plus CI...

Страница 101: ...100 LAN 2400 2483 5 CH1 CH13 100 5150 5250 CH36 CH48 200 5250 5350 CH52 CH64 200 5470 5725 CH100 CH140 200 2454 2483 5 5470 5725 20 2 4 5...

Страница 102: ...101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TXT 8 OK TXT DTV 9 TXT 10 Netflix Neflix 11 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Prime Video Amazon Prime Video 20 Youtube YouTube 21 22 TXT 23 24 25 26 1 5 1 1...

Страница 103: ...102 VGA YPbPr PC YPbPr HDMI SPDIF SPDIF AV AV YPBPR YPbPr YPbPr USB CI CAM module Ethernet LAN Ethernet PC YPbPr YPbPr PC CI USB 500 500 HDMI 4K HDMI...

Страница 104: ...103 220 240 50 OK OK 0000 Store Mode c OK Programme smarttvsecurity vosshub com Wake On OK...


Страница 106: ...105 USB USB HDD USB HDD USB USB USB USB USB Record USB OK Fast Forward Fast Forward Format Disk USB PIN 0000 1234 USB FAT32 USB USB USB USB USB USB...

Страница 107: ...106 USB USB OK OK OK OK OK FollowMe TV smart TV FollowMe TV Smart Center CEC CEC HDMI CEC HDMI CEC CEC HDMI DVD 1 HDMI 3 0 CEC ARC Audio Return Channel A V ARC ARC HDMI3...

Страница 108: ...107 CEC Exit Menu...

Страница 109: ...108 Dolby Vision Dolby Vision Dolby Vision Dolby Vision Cinema Natural 5 5 HDMI HDMI Dolby Vision Dolby Vision Dolby Vision Dolby Vision VGA PC...

Страница 110: ...109 VGA VGA AVL Dolby Audio AVL Dolby Audio Smart...

Страница 111: ...110 Dynamic Bass WPS Wi Fi WPS OK WPS IP DNS Wake On...

Страница 112: ...111 OK PIN PIN CICAM 0000 1234 HDMI HDMI 4 HDMI HDMI 2 0 HDMI 1 4 HDMI OK Netflix ESN Netflix ESN Netflix 4K 25 4K Netflix https help netflix com en node 13444 Full HD 4K...

Страница 113: ...112 HBBTV DVB DVB 1 8 1 AVS AVS CEC CEC CEC HDMI CEC cookie cookie cookie cookie...

Страница 114: ...113 OK OK TV Channels OK Tag Untag OK Tag Untag all Back Return 18 CICAM CI CI CI CAM 0000 1234 2...

Страница 115: ...114 Extras OK USB Text TEXT OK...

Страница 116: ...115 Text OK OK 3 3 00 2 AV USB USB USB is too slow USB USB USB...

Страница 117: ...z 19 1280x1024 75 20 1360x768 60 21 1366x768 60 22 1400x1050 59Hz 23 1400x1050 60 24 1400x1050 75 25 1440x900 60 26 1440x900 75 27 1600x1200 60 28 1680x1050 59Hz 29 1680x1050 60 30 1920x1080 60 AV HDM...

Страница 118: ...asf VP8 1080P 30 20Mbps MKV mkv WebM webm HEVC H 265 4K2K 60 100Mbps MP4 mp4 mov MKV mkv MPEG ts trp tp 1080P 60fps 50 MP4 mp4 mov MKV mkv MPEG ts trp tp 3GPP 3gpp 3gp VP9 4K2K 30 100Mbps MKV mkv WebM...

Страница 119: ...AVI avi Matroska mkv mka WMA 10 Pro M0 48KHz 192kbps WMA 10 Pro M1 48KHz 384kbps WMA 10 Pro M2 96KHz 768kbps G711 A mu 8KHz 64 128 WAV wav AVI avi Matroska mkv mka 3GPP 3gpp 3gp MP4 mp4 mov m4a LBR c...

Страница 120: ...119 DVI DVI HDMI 56 60Hz 66Hz 70 72Hz 75Hz 640x480 x x 800x600 x x x 1024x768 x x x 1280x768 x x 1280x960 x 1360x768 x 1366x768 x 1280x1024 x x x 1400x1050 x 1600x900 x 1920x1080 x...

Страница 121: ...120 Ethernet LAN 2 3 1 1 ISP 2 LAN Ethernet 3 LAN LAN Ethernet 1 2 1 2 LAN Ethernet OK IP DNS IP DNS SSID SSID SSID 1 1 ISP Wireless N IEEE 802 11a b g n 2 4 5...

Страница 122: ...121 DECT WLAN 11b 802 11 a b g n IEEE 802 11n SSID SSID OK OK N N OK IP WPS WPS WiFi WPS OK IP WLAN WLAN AVS AVS Sources OK OK Wake ON Wake on LAN WoL Wake on Wireless LAN WoWLAN...

Страница 123: ...122 WoL WoWLAN Wake On Android YouTube Netflix Wake On Wireless Display USB WLAN Bluetooth WLAN WLAN MAC MAC MAC MAC...

Страница 124: ...123 1 2 3 AVS 4 AVS OK OK Media Browser HDD LAN OK OK OK...

Страница 125: ...124 Vewd OK Vewd OK OK Vewd Vewd OK URL USB USB flash HBBTV HbbTV HybridBroadcastBroadbandTV HbbTV HbbTV Astra HbbTV autostart HbbTV HbbTV HbbTV...

Страница 126: ...125 b 0 HbbTV HbbTV HbbTV VOD AV Vestel Smart Center Vestel Smart Center iOS Android Menu AVS Smart Center smart center Refresh TV...

Страница 127: ...26 EPG EPG EPG EPG IOS FollowMeTV FollowMeTV Auto connection to TV Change TV IOS TV search facebook twitter Youtube FollowMe TV FOLLOWMETV FollowMeTV FollowMe TV DVB T C S SD HD Media Share Media Shar...

Страница 128: ...t Remote Smart Remote Portal Volume Up Down Programme Up Down android 1 Smart TV 2 3 Android iOS Android OS 4 0 IOS 6 4 Smart Center Android iOS 5 6 USB FAT32 PVR Android mdpi hdpi xhdpi 3 iOS Smart C...

Страница 129: ...Verkkokauppa com Oyj Tyynenmerenkatu 11 00220 Helsinki Finland 50466153...
