If you find it necessary to run the baitwell pump while you are underway, you may be forcing more water than
necessary up through the seacock. In this instance, adjust the seacock lever to a 45-degree angle so that the
seacock is only halfway open. The seacock lever may require additional adjustments to find a setting that works
best for you. Even when the baitwell pump is turned off, if the seacock is open, the baitwell tub will continue to fill
with water while you are underway.
Recirculating Baitwell Timer (Optional)
The recirculating baitwell timer control panel is installed on the console. The right
side of the control panel has a dial that permits you to set the approximate length of
time that you want the pump to run. Just set the dial for the minimum or maximum
or anywhere in between. The left side of the control panel has a 3-position control
switch. The center position is off, the top position is for automatic and the lower
position is for manual.
With the additional of a recirculating baitwell timer, the baitwell tub is equipped with a fitting covered by a screen
installed near the bottom of the tub. A 500-gph pump is attached to the fitting and can be accessed by removing
the round access pie installed on the side wall of the motor well. This pump recirculates the water in the baitwell.
It does not introduce additional water into the tub via the seacocks.
Raw Water Washdown
Note: This pump uses the same seacock as the port aft baitwell. If the port aft baitwell tub is not
in use, before using the washdown system, make sure that the aerator head for this baitwell tub is
in the closed position.
To operate the washdown system: First make sure that the seacock lever is in the open position. Locate the
black washdown fitting in the corner of the motor well. Twist the cap off the fitting and attach a standard garden
hose to the washdown fitting. The small lever on the washdown fitting needs to be in the open position to allow
water to flow through the fitting.
Lever on the washdown fitting is closed
Lever on the washdown fitting is open
Note: The round filter attached to the side of the pump should be removed and cleaned often
with running water.
Locate the washdown switch on the console and press the switch to the forward position to turn on the washdown
pump. The washdown pump is located in aft bilge area on the port aft stringer. For access to this pump, remove
the seat cushion over the transom seat then open the hatch below the seat. When you are finished using the
washdown system, press the washdown switch to the down or aft position.
Bilge Pump
The 1100-gph bilge pump and float switch are installed as far aft as possible in the bilge and both are accessible
via the hatch installed in the motor well. There are 2 steps in properly checking the bilge pump. First, turn the
bilge pump on at the instrument panel by pressing the bilge pump switch to the on or forward position. When the