insert the hose provided by the marina into the waste outlet to connect to your marina’s dockside service
facilities. Follow the instructions provided by the marina to operate their equipment.
Warning: Waste in the holding tank can form methane, an explosive gas. Use suitable
precautions when any maintenance is done to the sanitary system.
Please refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of the head systems for operational
procedures and for information related to the care and maintenance of their product. When in doubt,
always defer to the head manufacturer’s instructions and/or recommendations.
Sea Water System
Baitwell Pump
The baitwell switch at the helm controls the baitwell pump, which is mounted on a seacock in the aft bilge.
Raw water for the baitwell tub comes through the seacock, to the baitwell pump and then to the baitwell
Before turning the pump on from the helm, check to be sure that the seacock is open. The seacock is
wide open when the yellow seacock lever is vertical to the bottom of the hull. When the yellow seacock
lever is horizontal to the bottom of the hull, the seacock is closed. The seacock should remain closed
when the baitwell pump is not in use.
Baitwell pump, shown with seacock closed, is located
in the bilge. The hose on the lower port feeds raw
water to the washdown pump.
To operate the baitwell pump, locate the baitwell
switch on the console and press the switch to the
forward position to turn on the pump. When the
baitwell pump is operating, go to the baitwell tub,
open the baitwell lid and visually check to see if water
is pumping into the tub through the aerator fitting.
This will ensure that the baitwell pump is working
properly. The hose that goes from the baitwell pump
to the baitwell tub is routed behind the starboard aft
wall of the mid berth.
To turn the baitwell pump off, press the baitwell switch to the aft position. You should always turn the
baitwell switch off at the helm if the pump is not going to be used soon.
The 15-gallon capacity baitwell tub is located at the
transom, beneath the transom seat cushion and comes
equipped with an aerator head and stand pipe.
If you find it necessary to run the baitwell pump while you
are underway, you may be forcing more water than
necessary up through the seacock. In this instance,
adjust the seacock lever to a 45
angle so that the
seacock is only halfway open. The seacock lever may
require additional adjustments to find a setting that works
best for you.
Even when the baitwell pump is turned off, if the seacock is open, the baitwell tub will continue to fill with
water while you are underway.
Seacock lever
is in the closed