If you have not selected the optional hard top, the cockpit speakers will be
installed in the aft cockpit but the installation location will vary depending
upon which additional optional accessories you may have selected.
The stereo can be operated from within the cabin or remotely from the console and is powered by the
dealer-installed batteries.
Based upon the availability from our vendors, stereo equipment changes from time to time. Therefore,
we request that you refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of the stereo equipment for
operational procedures and for information related to the care and maintenance of their product.
XM Stereo Upgrade (Optional)
When activating your satellite service, your service provider will
request that you provide them with the “Radio ID #”. You will find
this 8 character ID # (alpha numeric) on the paperwork in your
owner’s package.
If you cannot locate the paperwork, you will find the controller
head unit (XM box) mounted on the backside of the console. The
XM box can be accessed via the aft cabin wall.
8 character
“Radio ID #”
Stereo - AM/FM
with CD Player
XM Compatible
Based upon the availability from our vendors, this equipment changes from time to time. Therefore, we
request that you refer to the owner’s manual provided by the manufacturer of the XM unit for operational
procedures and for information related to the care and maintenance of their product.
Captain’s chairs and aft molded jump seats
are standard seating on the 23 Walk.
Captains Chairs
Aft Molded Jump Seats