Contact medical help. If the victim is not breathing, perform rescue breathing or
approved cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), as appropriate, until medical help arrives.
Prompt action can mean the difference between life and death.
Shut off potential sources of CO, if possible. Correct ventilation problems and/or repair
exhaust problems as appropriate. Investigate the source of CO and take corrective
action, such as evacuating and ventilating the area or shutting off the source of the CO,
while at the same time evacuating and ventilating the area.
Where CO May Accumulate -
Carbon Monoxide can accumulate
anywhere in or around
your boat
as shown in the following pictures:
Inadequately ventilated canvas enclosures.
Exhaust gas trapped in enclosed places.
Blocked exhaust outlets.
Another vessel's exhaust. CO from the boat docked next to you can
be just as deadly.
"Station wagon effect" or back drafting.
At slow speeds, while idling, or stopped. Be aware that CO can
remain in or around your boat at dangerous levels, even if your
engine or the other boat's engine is no longer running!
How to Protect Others & Yourself
You are in command of your boating safety. Follow these simple steps to help keep Carbon Monoxide
from poisoning you, your passengers or others around you.