Prestigio Cavaliere 143 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1




Prestigio Cavaliere 143

Notebook Computer

User’s Manual

(August 2004)

All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.

Содержание Cavaliere 143

Страница 1: ...G Prestigio Cavaliere 143 Notebook Computer User s Manual August2004 TRADEMARKS Allbrandandproductnamesaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksoftheirrespectivecompanies NOTE Theinformationinthismanualissu...

Страница 2: ...Ferritecore s option ThisUser sManual Inspectalltheitems Ifanyitemisdamagedormissing notifyyourdealerimmediately Keeptheshippingcartonandpackingmaterialsincaseyouneedtoshiporstorethecomputerinthefutur...

Страница 3: ...using battery power see Chapter 3 Opening the Cover CAUTION Be gentle when opening and closing the cover Opening it vigorously or slamming it shut could damage the computer Openthetopcoverbyslidingthe...

Страница 4: ...ide Components Ref Component Description 1 VGAPort Connects an external monitor 2 Ventilation Openings Do not cover or block the ventilation openings for air circulation thus preventing overheating 3...

Страница 5: a scanner printer DVCAM VCR and more 3 Audio Output Connector Connects a set of headphones external speakers with amplifier or an audio recording device 4 Microphone Connector Connects an external...

Страница 6: ...ce of the computer 6 Wireless LAN Indicator Glows green when system is ready for WLAN connection 7 Battery Charge Indicator Glows green when the battery is fully charged and connected to AC power Glow...

Страница 7: ...cific functions The Backspace key moves the cursor left one space and deletes the character in that space Pressing Fn and this key toggles the Num Lock on and off When on light on the Num Lock activat...

Страница 8: ...means any character typed will overwrite the text in the current cursor position Deletes the character to the right of the cursor and moves the following text left one space Numeric Keypad A15 keynume...

Страница 9: ...functionsareassignedtoF1 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F10 F11 andF12byyourcomputer See HotKeys laterinthis chapterforinformation Fn Key TheFnkey atthelowerleftcornerofthekeyboard isusedwithanotherkeytoperformthe...

Страница 10: ...UTION Do not use a sharp object such as a pen on the touchpad Doing so may damage the touchpad surface NOTES Be sure to enable the touchpad on the BIOS Setup see Advanced Menu in Chapter 5 The touchpa...

Страница 11: ...croll To scroll is to move up and down or left and right in the working area on the screen Use the scroll button located between the left and right buttons to press on the four corners to move in the...

Страница 12: ...2DD 720 KBfloppy disksorhigh density 2HD 1 44 MBfloppydisks Noticethatbothtypesoffloppydiskhaveanarrowimprintedonthefront upperleftcorner andaslidingwrite protecttabonthebottomleftcorner asillustrate...

Страница 13: ...cuitrynecessaryforoperationdirectlyontothedriveitself This allowsthedrivemanufacturertocarefullyoptimizedriveperformance CAUTION Make regular backups of your data files from your hard disk drive to fl...

Страница 14: ...protected by method claims of certain U S patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners Use of this copyright protection technology must be a...

Страница 15: ...on in the Power Management Properties Thus the computer does not enter Standby or Hibernation mode when the LCD is closed Configuring the Display Modes NOTES To take advantage of the enhanced video ca...

Страница 16: ...hexternalaudiodevices AudioOutputConnectorcanbeconnectedtotheline inconnectorofpoweredspeakerswithbuilt inamplifiers head phones orearphoneset MicrophoneConnectorcanbeconnectedtoanexternalmicrophonefo...

Страница 17: ...fer from the one shown When using communication software you may have to disable power management Set the COM port of the modem to COM3 Set parameters such as modem speed baud rate and line type pulse...

Страница 18: ...hecomputermanufacturer contactyourdealer forthecorrectdrivertouse Configuring the WLAN Afterdriverinstallation youcanusetheWLANutilitytoconfigureandmonitoryourWLANconnection Ifyouareusing WindowsXP yo...

Страница 19: ...When you press the power button DependsonyoursettingsinWindows Hibernation NOTE Make sure that the hibernation feature is enabled in the Hibernate tab of the Power Options Properties from the Control...

Страница 20: ...ctricaloutlet 4 Tousethemonitor turnonthemonitorbeforeturningonthecomputer 5 Themonitorshouldrespondbydefault Ifnot youcanswitchthedisplaytothemonitorortoboth simultaneousdisplay ortomulti displaybypr...

Страница 21: ...devicecabletotheIEEE1394aportofthesystem Using PC Cards YourcomputerhasaPCcardslot PCcardsarecreditcard sizedperipheralproductsbasedonthestandardsdevelopedbyPCMCIA PersonalComputerMemory CardInternati...

Страница 22: ...illslideoutslightly 4 Pullthecardoutoftheslot Internal Components Upgrade YoucanupgradeyourcomputerbychangingtheCPUoraddingmemory However toavoiddamageduringtheinstallation procedure pleaseaskyourdeal...

Страница 23: ...neisthemenubarcontainingthetitlesoftheavailablemenus Eachmenutitlebringsaspecificmenu Thecenterleftcolumnofthemenucontainsinformationregardingthecurrentsettingsofthesystem Ifyouopenapull downmenuandse...

Страница 24: ...MDrive andFloppyDiskDrive Thedefault settingisHardDisk FloppyDiskDrive thenCD ROMDrive NOTES If you enable the item LAN Boot under Advanced menu then system will boot from the LAN server first before...

Страница 25: ...abled Defaultsettingisenabled LANBootenablesordisablessystemfrombootingfromtheLANserverfirst Acheckmarkindicatesenabledwhileunderline _ indicatesdisabled Defaultsettingisdisabled WakeonLAN Ring enable...

Страница 26: ...erunningSCU SaveChangessavesthechangesyouhavemadewithoutexitingSCU Caring for the Computer Takinggoodcareofyourcomputerwillensureatrouble freeoperationandreducetheriskofdamagetoyourcomputer Protecting...

Страница 27: ...Forexample donotplacethecomputeronabed sofa rug orothersimilarsurface Otherwise overheatingmayoccurthatresultsindamagetothecomputer Keepthecomputeratleast13cm 5inches awayfromelectricalappliancesthatc...

Страница 28: Computerproblemscanbecausedbyhardware software orboth Whenyouencounteranyproblem itmightbeatypical problemthatcaneasilybesolved Preliminary Checklist Herearehelpfulhintstofollowbeforeyoutakefurthe...

Страница 29: ...releasethetray 3 Pullthetrayoutuntilfullyextended andthenremovetheCD Display Problems Nothingappearsonthescreen Duringoperation thescreenmayautomaticallyturnoffasaresultofpowermanagement Pressanykeyto...

Страница 30: ...rethatthereisenoughspaceleftonthefloppydisk Makesurethatthefloppydiskisnotphysicallydamaged Thediskdrivecannotreadafloppydisk Makesurethatthefloppydiskisformatted Makesurethatyouarereadingthecorrectdr...

Страница 31: ...kesurethattheWLANfeatureisturnedon Transmissionqualityispoor Yourcomputermaybeinanout of rangesituation MoveyourcomputerclosertotheAccessPointoranotherWLANdevice itisassociatedwith Checkifthereishighi...

Страница 32: ...ThecomputerdoesnotenterStandbyorHibernationmodeautomatically Ifyouhaveaconnectiontoanothercomputer thecomputerdoesnotenterStandbyorHibernationmodeiftheconnection isactivelyinuse MakesurethattheStandb...

Страница 33: ...estartyourcomputer Themessage Operatingsystemnotfound appearsonthescreenafteryouturnonthecomputer Makesurethatthereisnofloppydiskinthefloppydiskdrive Ifthereis removeitandrestartthesystem Ifthismessag...

Страница 34: ...ularly theprogrammaybeaccessingdataandpreventingyoufrom usingthekeyboard Ifyouaresuretheoperationhasstoppedandyoucannotusethe restart functionoftheoperating system resetthecomputer Resetthecomputerbya...

Страница 35: ...utton Storage Floppy disk drive 3 5 inch 1 44 MB USB optional external device Hard disk drive 2 5 inch 9 5 mm high IDE Ultra DMA 66 100 support CD DVD CD RW 24xCD ROM DVD RW Combodrive 8xDVD ROM optio...

Страница 36: ...36 PRESTIGIOCAVALIERE143 ENG Notes...
