3x5 m series
truc! ons
Select a fl at surface for the tent. Unpack the boxes and check if all listed parts are included.
with a cloth. In colder w
eather condi" ons we suggest to bring the roof to room temperature
before installing.
Assemble the roof frame by moun" ng parts 7 and 8 on the pipes (parts 1, 2 and 3).
Use the scr
ews to a# ach the parts.
Use the turnbuckle (22) and the wirerope (21) to stabilise the roof structure.
A# ach the roof braces (6) to the pipe (1) using the clamp (23).
Li$ one side of the tent frame and a# ach the legs (4). Place the roof (24) onto the
frame and use the bungees (15) to fasten it.
Be sure not to put too much tension on the bungees in order not to make a# aching
the other side more diffi
A# ach the legs on the other side and install the feet (9, 9a and 10) at the bo# om. Make sure,
that the leg pipes are in v
er" cal posi" on, to avoid overten" on on the endwalls.
A# ach the side covers to the pipes (4) using hooks (19). Complete the bo# om frame with
the required pipes (2, 3 and 5) and connector (11). Use the long ground pegs (13) to fasten
the feet to the ground.
Unfold the side walls (25) and the end walls (26) and a# ach the side walls to the frame using
the bungees (15). A# ach the end walls directly to the roof using the short bungees (16).
Use the short ground pegs (14) to fasten the end walls to the ground. The guy rope runs
from every corner of the tent and is braced to the gound using the long ground pegs (12).