6000 I
...continued from previous page
Call into each line of the Call Handler to verify correct
operation, per the mode of operation. Verify sound quality
of audio messages.
8) Connect an RCA audio cable from the 600 ohm port on the
Call Handler to the music-on-hold port of the phone system.
Call into the business and ask to be placed on hold. Adjust
the audio volume at the Handler keypad. If sufficient volume
cannot be achieved at the 600 ohm port then switch to the 8
ohm port.
Turn down the volume before making the connection
so you do not “blast” the phone system (refer to the volume
adjustment section on page 10 for further details).
If the music-on-hold port uses a punch-down block,
do not directly connect the stranded wire from an RCA cable to
the punch-down block. Punch-down blocks are designed to only
work with standard telephone solid core wire, not stranded wire.
Connect a short length of solid telephone wire to the punch-
down block. Cut off one end of the provided RCA audio cable
and splice the two stranded wires to the solid telephone wires
(Insufficient or intermittent volume can result if stranded wire is
used at the punch-down blocks).
9) Call the Download Center and notify them that the Call
Handler has been installed successfully or ask them for
assistance if there are problems. Make sure that the Call
Handler is working properly before you leave the site.