C546i Self Powered Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer
Page 41
Replacing a Crank Arm Assembly
Clean the crankarm mounting bolt threads and the input pulley shaft threads with an alcohol
swab. Allow them to dry and apply blue loctite to the crankarm mounting bolt threads.
Position the crankarm on the input pulley shaft. Thread and hand tighten the 14 mm. bolt
into the input pulley shaft. Torque the nut to 300 in/lbs.
Replace the stairarm assembly as described in Procedure 7.12, steps 11 to 12.
If you are replacing both crankarm assemblies, repeat steps 6 and 7 for the second
crankarm assembly.
Set the unit at it’s highest resistance setting and use the EFX for a minimum of 3 minutes.
Stride in a forward direction for half of the time and in a backward direction for half of the
time. Re-torque both of the 14 mm. crankarm mounting bolts to 300in/lbs. Use the EFX for
at least ten minutes while pedaling both forwards and backwards, the re-torque the
crankarm bolt to 300 inch pounds.
10. Replace the rear cover.