b) Generators (G) connected in parallel, in an
island network, powering a LOAD. In this case,
the board is equipped with parallel connectors.
Below is an example block diagram:
If the case falls under this configuration, refer to the
following verification inside the control panel:
With the generator off (see specific
paragraph), disconnect the power to the
board (selector CP. 3 in figure).
Connect the signal and power cables
appropriately inside the control panel
referring to the wiring diagram supplied with
the generator.
c) Generator (G) connected in parallel with the
electric mains with which a LOAD is powered in
parallel to the generator. In this case as well the
board is equipped with parallel connectors.
Below is an example block diagram:
Se il caso rientra in questa configurazione, fare la
seguente verifica all'interno del pannello di controllo:
Con gruppo elettrogeno spento (vedere
paragrafo dedicato), togliere l'alimentazione
al quadro (selettore CP. 3 in figura).
All'interno del pannello di controllo,
connettere opportunamente i cavi di segnale
e potenza facendo riferimento allo schema
elettrico fornito a corredo con il gruppo
If the case falls under this configuration, refer to the
following verification inside the control panel:
With the generator off (see specific
paragraph), disconnect the power to the
board (selector CP. 3 in figure).
Connect the signal and power cables
appropriately inside the control panel
referring to the wiring diagram supplied with
the generator.
Normally, unless agreed otherwise, the generators
are supplied set up for a parallel in the island
network between 2 machines (reference to case b):
connector "A" in the previous figure is supplied with
a cable to connect the 1st generator with the 2nd,
while connector "B" is equipped with a cover
terminal (to inform the electronic board that there are
no other machines connected in parallel).
More in general, when there are several generators
in parallel, the cover terminal (in position "B" in the
figure) is only required on the first and last generator
of the parallel sequence.
General guidelines concerning the
various types of control boards are
provided here. Refer to, read and
understand the use and maintenance
manual of the specific electronic
boards and wiring diagrams supplied.
Automatic panel with electronic control board,
separate from the power board:
After having read and understood the
following general guidelines, always
refer to the supplied wiring diagram of
the generator to complete the