9.4 Low Flow
9.5 Low Level Fault
9.6 VFD/Pump Trip
Incorrect sleep settings
Incorrect motor/pump rotation
Incorrect fault settings
Defective sensor wiring
Defective flow sensor/meter
Incorrect sleep settings
The pump station supply water is
inadequate for the system demand
The CW screen (lake intake screen) is
clogged or not functioning properly
Defective float switch
Defective level transmitter
Defective sensor wiring
Incorrect fault settings
VFD faulted
VFD/motor overheated
VFD keypad error
Incorrect VFD settings
Motor/VFD equipment failure
Tripped motor protection equipment
Improperly set breaker
Increase the Sleep Flow setting and/or reduce the Sleep Delay time.
Inspect/correct direction of motor rotation.
1. View the motor rotation by quickly turning the motor On & Off.
2. Viewing from the motor end, the shaft must rotate clockwise.
3. Interchange any two motor output leads to reverse rotation.
Use the Trend Log to determine if the fault occurs while the system is
operating at design flow & pressure.
Inspect and correct the Low Flow Fault setting.
Repair or replace sensor wiring.
Replace with flow sensor/meter with appropriately scaled Pulse
output signal.
Decrease the Sleep Flow setting and/or increase the Sleep Delay time.
Lessen the system demand. If equipped with a Level Transmitter, use
Level PID mode to enable the system to automatically raise or lower
the discharge pressure setpoint based on available water.
Clean the intake screen or make sure the intake screen nozzles are
working properly.
Inspect the float switch functionality. Pull it up from the water and try
to manually trip the switch.
Inspect the float switch functionality. Pull it up from the water and try
to manually trip the switch.
Repair or replace sensor wiring.
Use the Trend Log to determine if the fault occurs while the system is
operating at design flow & pressure.
Inspect and correct the Low Level Fault setting.
Check VFD keypad for fault indication.
Check the equipment—motor, VFD, breakers—condition.
Check for tripped motor circuit protection.
Precision Pumping Systems
6515 Business Way, Boise, ID 83716