Rechargeable Battery Care
Rechargeable batteries require routine care. Read and follow the guidelines in this document to safely use PowerHandling
rechargeable batteries and achieve the maximum battery life span.
Do not leave batteries unused for extended periods of time, either in the product or in storage. When a battery has been
unused for 6 months check the charge status and charge or dispose of the battery as appropriate. The typical estimated life
of a Lithium-Ion battery is about two to three years or 400 to 600 charge cycles, whichever occurs first. One charge cycle is a
period of use from fully charged, to fully discharged, and fully recharged again. All rechargeable batteries have a limited life
and will gradually lose their capacity to hold a charge. This loss of capacity (aging) is irreversible. As the battery loses capacity,
the length of time it will power the product (run time) decreases. Rechargeable batteries continue to slowly discharge (self-
discharge) when
not in use or while in storage. Routinely check the battery’s charge status.
Battery Maintenance
Observe and note the run time that a new fully-charged battery provides for powering your product. Use this new battery run
time as a basis to compare run times for older batteries. The run time of your battery will vary
depending on the product’s
configuration and your specific application. Routinely check the battery’s charge
status. Carefully monitor batteries that are
approaching the end of their estimated life.
Consider replacing the battery with a new one if you note either of the following conditions:
The battery run time drops below about 80% of the original run time.
The battery charge time increases significantly.
If a battery is stored or otherwise unused for an extended period, be sure to follow the storage instructions in this document.
Best practices for Li-Ion battery packs
ly se the provi e i o battery charger
he battery is heavily se allo to cool before placi g o charger
i o batteries last lo ger if they are ot ischarge completely
Remove the battery from the charger o ce it is f lly charge a allo to cool prior to se
o ot charge the battery i a elevate temperat re e viro me t
o ot short termi als
o ot amage the batteries cr sh ail eform rop etc
o ot p t batteries i to fire
o ot se batteries i a et e viro me t
f battery gets e tremely hot ri g chargi g set asi e for eval atio
attery operatio is best bet ee the temperat res of
o ot leave a eplete battery charge for very lo g t is best to re charge as soo as possible
harge i o batteries i a area a ay from comb stibles here they ca be mo itore for a y a omaly
that may occ r
he stori g remove the battery a store it separately from the charger or pro ct
f stori g a battery for a e te e ratio ischarge the battery to
meas re
after mi tes rest a re charge to this level at mo th i tervals
fter a prolo ge storage perio mo itor battery closely for a y a omalies he rechargi g to bri g it
bac i to service
f yo o ot follo the i str ctio s a the battery has o charge remai i g he yo chec it co si er
it to be amage o ot attempt to recharge it or to se it Replace it ith a e battery
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