Stall and Near-Stall Conditions
The operator should exercise caution to ensure the PowerRoll does not enter a stall, or near stall, condition, for
more than just a few seconds at most.
PowerRolls can output extremely high torque to move very heavy loads,
however if they are trying to move too great a load this can be damaging to the machine
in particular, to the motor
or battery pack. A near-
stall condition is identifiable by a noticeable drop in the machine’s RPM. This occurs in
particular when lifting loads, such as a paper roll onto a dolly or cable reel up onto a platform. This short duration of
near-stall is okay, and it is expected to be subjected to this. However, if it remains in this near-stall state for too long,
damage is occurring to the motor and battery pack which decreases their life.
If the application is beyond the rated capacity of the PowerRoll being used:
1. Discuss with PowerHandling the possibility of changing the drive module to a higher reduction version,
increasing its torque output while reducing its speed (for any given amp draw).
2. Discuss with PowerHandling the possibility of moving to a higher capacity PowerRoll series.
For more information visit PowerHandling online at www.powerhandling.com or contact a sales associate at 1-888-
37-POWER or 1-509-244-8860.
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