Scroll Medical & Laboratory Compressed Air Systems
150 Production Drive
Harrison, OH 45030
P 1.888.769.7979
F 513.367.3125
Page 26 of 40
System Operation
Initial Start-up
Normal Operation
In normal operation, no user input is required.
Periodically (usually once per month) the on-line dryer should
be switched off line and the off line brought into use. The duplexed
condensate trap solenoid-timer drain may also be switched.
Follow the following steps to accomplish this:
Use the power selector to energize both dryers.
Open the intake isolation valve slowly on the off line dryer..
Let the dryer cycle for at least one purge cycle. (NOTE: on some
dryers the purge cycle can be triggered by using a control on
the dryer itself that turns off purge saver. If the dryer does not
have this feature, allow the automatic purge cycle to occur
before proceeding).
Open the outlet isolation valve slowly.
5. Close the outlet isolation valve.
6. Close the inlet isolation valve.
Turn off power to the dryer taken off liit.
Checking the functioning of the automatic drain units:
Locate the timer-solenoid auto drains; one is tied to the after cooler
condensate traps and another is installed at the tank drain. Push the
test button and verify that flow is occurring. You should be able to hear
the flow, or even feel it as it vibrates the connected lines or piping.
There will be a change in the sound or vibration pattern if there is a
transition from liquid flow to air flow. This means a significant liquid
amount accumulated between drain intervals and the settings for
frequency and duration of draining should be adjusted. Increase the
duration, reduce the frequency or both.