© 2014-2015 Minuteman International, Inc.
Nautilus Hi-Dump Rider Scrubber/Sweeper #988752UM Rev. * 03/16
Page 54
Maintenance requirements and service instructions for your Scrubber/Sweeper engine are outlined in the following parts of this
Maintenance Section:
• Air Intake System
• Electrical System
• Fuel System
• Coolant System
• Lubrication
All basic maintenance tasks are listed with their recommended frequencies on the Planned Maintenance Chart in this manual.
Important additional engine maintenance requirements and instructions are explained in the Engine Supplemental Catalog
which comes with your machine.
Never attempt to perform any service on the equipment or components until the Vehicle is Parked on a
LEVEL GROUND, the Engine if OFF, the Parking Brake is LOCKED, and the wheels are CHOCKED.