© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2008
Health and Safety Information for the Installer and
Service Engineer
Under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and Section
6 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, we are
required to provide information on substances
hazardous to health.
Small quantities of adhesives and sealants used in the
product are cured and present no known hazards. The
following substances are also present.
Man-Made Mineral Fibre
Some component parts of this boiler (insulation
pads, gaskets and rope seals) are manufactured
from man-made mineral fibre.
Prolonged or excessive exposure to this material
may result in some irritation to the eyes, skin or
respiratory tract.
It is advisable to wear gloves when handling these
Irritant dust will only be released from the items if
they are broken up or subjected to severe
abrasion. In these instances a suitable dust mask
and goggles should be worn.
Always thoroughly wash hands after installation,
servicing or changing components.
When disposing of any items manufactured from
man-made mineral fibre care must be exercised.
If any irritation of the eyes or severe irritation of
the skin is experienced seek medical attention.