General Safety Instructions
Poseidon only warrants the regulator performance as specified herein, and
cannot be held responsible for improper preparations, incorrect gas mixing and
planning, or diving beyond individual medical, psychological and physical
“Jetstream Mk3 and Jetstream Octopus are Nitrox ready and can be used with
Nitrox up to EAN 40. Jetstream Classic (3950) can only be used with air or
Trimix with a maximum oxygen content of 21%”
The oxygen partial pressure must normally not exceed 1.4 bar (20.3 psi), under
the foreseeable maximum diving depth. Only if established oxygen exposure
tables are strictly adhered to, and a responsible organisation is planning dives
with increased exposures, elevated levels can be accepted for a shorter period
of time. The oxygen partial pressure must never be lower than 0.2bar (2.9 psi),
under the foreseeable minimum diving depth. The nitrogen partial pressure must
not exceed 3.2 bar (46.4 psi), under the foreseeable maximum diving depth.
Inhaling cold gas and exhaling warmed gas, represents energy losses of the
human body (thermal imbalance, hypothermia). This effect increases with
increasing depth and can result in a sudden unconsciousness. Diving to extreme
depths this effect must be considered, calculated and planned for and preventive
actions must be taken, such as proper thermal protection and pre-heated gas.
Jetstream Mk3 / Jetstream Classic / Jetstream Octopus is for unlimited use in
water temperatures from water freezing tempe1°C to +50°C (122°F). The
freezing temperature depends on salt content. When diving in waters with a
temperature of +10C/+50F or lower, the first stage 3790 (Jetstream Classi)
should be fitter with the freeze protection cap (art. nr 1286).
Diving with gas blends other than air, or deeper than 18 m (59 ft), or in overhead
environment, requires special training regarding practices, equipment, physical
and medical understanding. This manual assumes the reader has some basic
knowledge in those respects. Diving is a strenuous physical activity. Its difficulty