Welcome, to the world of Poseidon divers. Here at POSEIDON we are very
pleased that you have chosen one of the world’s foremost diving regulators.
POSEIDON has been developing regulators for divers since 1958. Professional
divers, military divers, and techdivers choose POSEIDON equipment because of
the high demands they place on our products - the same demands you have!
Your new regulator has been designed to provide you with a life time of pleasure as a
POSEIDON diver. Our objective is that the equipment you use should not be noticeable,
instead it should be at one with the experience and give you total freedom to achieve
what every diver dreams about, the ultimate dive. To be at one with the water. To have
full control and at the same time feel the weightlessness when, meter by meter you
descent into a world of your own.
Nothing shall disturb your concentration. No wheels or knobs that need adjusting. No
regulators that resist your breathing when you have reached your target depth. No
suits that limit your freedom of movement or get damaged at the slightest encounter.
This vision has accompanied Poseidon since the legendary diving enthusiast and
engineer, Ingvar Elfström started the company in the late 50’s. The same ideas motivate
us now.
The name Poseidon represents constant development and improvement of diving
equipment where everything is positioned correctly and everything functions, even in
the most extreme situations.
Products developed in cold Scandinavian waters that are among the toughest you can
dive in. If they work here, they will work anywhere. Poseidon’s devoted followers are
convincing proof of that. Thank you for your confidence.
Yours faithfully