The unit's UV-C unit emits dangerous ultraviolet radiation. These rays are dangerous
to both eyes and skin. The UV-C lamp must never be kept lit without being fitted. The
lamp must never be lit so you can see it immediately, but if a check is to be made, it
must be done according to the instructions in the instructions. A pressure filter with
UV-C must always be placed at least 2 meters from the dam so that it cannot fall into
the water. The UV-C unit must not be switched on unless water is flowing through.
Therefore, always switch on the pump before the UV-C unit.
Never open the UV-C housing or its parts unless recommended directly in this manual.
Interventions intended to manipulate or change the filter's electronics pose a danger.
The components must be assembled exactly according to production, so as not to be
damaged or stop working completely. If such interventions are made in the electronics,
all warranty is void.
When the filter is set to the "FILTER" position, the cleaning outlet and possibly outlet
hose that is connected, be closed with the included gasket and shut-off valve. This is to
avoid leakage and emptying of the dam. The crane also functions as a safety measure
if the function knob is accidentally set to "CLEAN". Make sure that the function knob is
always in the "FILTER" position during normal operation when the pump is running.
The function knob should only be in the "CLEAN" position when the filter sponges are
cleaned with the handle function or backwashed.
Before starting the filter, always check the connections so that they are seated correctly.
The pressure filter must not be used with liquids other than water. The filter must be
emptied and placed frost-free during the winter (winter storage page 8).
Always place the pressure filter so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
How the pressure filter works
Pressure filter with built-in UV-C is a closed filter system for
mechanical and biological purification of garden ponds.
A: Water inlet
The pump must be connected to the inlet with a pressure hose.
B. Vortexsystem
Absorbed particles and sludge are precipitated by
centrifugal and gravity.
C: Mechanical filter
Dirt particles are caught by the filter sponges before
the water continues into the inner chamber of the filter.
D: Biological cleaning
The pores of the filter sponges create a large biological surface where the beneficial
decomposing bacteria take root. The yellow and blue filter sponges have different port
densities. It creates zones with different permeability and oxygen content for different
kinds of bacteria. Zones with a high permeability (blue sponges) are suitable for oxygen-
demanding bacteria that break down ammonia into nitrite via a decomposition process.
Zones with low flow (yellow sponges) are suitable for bacteria in an anaeotobic (oxygen-
poor) environment that reduces nitrate to nitrogen.
In Bioclear XL 40000, the water from the pond is pumped into the filter via the inlet
adapter (A) and pressed in a vortex motion through the filter sponges and down
through the bioballs. The water continues through the UV-C unit and leaves the filter
through the outlet adapter (F) into the pond.
E: UV-C irradiation of water
When the water passes the UV-C unit, it is briefly irradiated with UV rays from the
lamp. Bacteria and algae cells die. When the algae cells there, floating algae clump
together and can be captured in the filter.
F. Outlet adapter for the pond
From the outlet adapter, the water returns to the dam via a hose. The effluent can
make a waterfall or directly to the pond.
G: The cleaning outlet
When you backwash the filter, a drain hose for the dirty water can be connected
so you can flush out the water in a plantation or drain. The nutritious water is ideal
fertilizer for your plants.
H: Function knob
The function knob switches the outlet between the normal "FILTER" and the
backwash function "REVERSE".
I: Cleaning the filter with the handle
The filter sponges can be cleaned while the filter is backwashed by spinning the crank.
When using the crank, the sponges are scraped off and the dirt is washed away with
the backwash function.
The pressure filter with built-in UV-C must be run continuously 24 hours a day.
The UV-C lamp must be replaced after 7,000 hours (approx. 1 time / season) to
secure that the UV-C unit works with optimal efficiency.
Pressure losses due
to height differences
At www.pondteam.com
under “Select pump”
you can calculate the
appropriate pump size
Function knob
Filter / Reverse
From the pump
Into the pond
Yellow - Fine
Blue - Coarse
Protective pipes
for UV-C unit
Cleaning rotor
for sponges
Drain hose