Maximising heat efficiency
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A new concept
in under floor heating
Modular Heating Panels* are an exciting new product concept from Polypipe
that enable quick and simple installation of under floor heating into suspended
floors in both new build and renovation projects.
Installing under floor heating into upper floors can be
challenging, even in new build projects. Most conventional
under floor heating systems comprise a single section of pipe,
housed or placed within another part of the system structure,
such as floor panels, which are cut to size on site. This works
fine as there are no interruptions to the laying of the pipe.
In suspended floor installations however, the pipe, plates and
insulation have to fit within an obvious obstruction:
the supporting floor joists. It is working around the joists,
and avoiding other services, that has often led to under floor
heating being avoided in upper floors.
As the name suggests, a Modular Heating Panel (MHP)
is a pre-configured solution, where all of the floor heating
system components are supplied fitted within complete panels,
which are simply fitted and connected together on site.
Thanks to MHP it is now possible to fit panels quickly
into the existing joist voids and connect them to a standard
heat source.
MHP works with both traditional and engineered joists and
can be fitted from above or below.
Due to their high output at relatively low flow temperatures, Modular Heating Panels are ideal for maximising heat efficiency
and lowering energy consumption. In most installations it is not necessary to cover the entire floor area. MHP panels work like
“under floor radiators”, applying enough heat to only those areas of the floor that need to be heated and using just enough
of them to maintain a suitable room temperature.
For a room temperature of 20°C, for example, only 80% floor coverage is required to provide 70W/m
or around 60% for 50W/m
This unique product benefit also makes MHP an ideal solution when using heat pumps.
The flexibility of panel placement provided by MHP means that floor areas to be covered by items such as built-in wardrobes
or baths and shower cubicles can be avoided without detriment to the overall heating provision.
MHP is available in 4 panel sizes comprising 2 lengths and 2 widths:
MHP available lengths:
1.3m and 2.0m
MHP available widths:
380mm and 490mm
Each MHP panel contains pre-installed pipe circuitry, 30mm
of insulation, and is covered in heat diffusing foil. Pipe circuitry
is based on 10mm diameter pipe. A 500mm length of pipe
extends from each panel allowing connection to the flow and
return pipe work from an under floor heating manifold.
MHP panels are easily installed from either above or below
and suit the joist widths of both composite ‘I’ beam joists and
traditional timber joists. Up to 3 MHP panels can be connected
together in series and the recommended maximum room area
per circuit is 20m
Heat diffusion foil
30mm insulation
10mm pipe circuit
*Patent pending.