rendering stems
, the Tracker exports 8 mono track files, 2 send Fx (Delay, Reverb)
mono track and the master stereo mix track. The master audio output is rendered into a
single stereo file. Rendered stems are PCM .wav audio files with a sampling rate of
44100Hz/16bit. The volume of separate rendered stems files can be set in the Master 2/3
section. The rendered master track volume is being set in the Master 1/3 section and it’s
always rendered with the Limiter and its current values.
There’s a
Render selection
to sample function accessed from Pattern/sequencer screen. It’s
a very useful and creative function that allows rendering of a selected step or step selection
(on one or more tracks at the same time) into a single audio file. In Pattern section > turn
Edit Mode on (Rec) > use Shift + arrow keys to select the desired area > now use the Render
screen button to create a new sample clip.
Tracker configuration