Instr 9927471
Rev 01 2016-11
Page 10 of 13
Rapid Recovery is for recovering the winch rope
only. It is not intended for pulling and will reduce the
life of the winch if used under load.
Your winch is equipped to quickly reel in the winch
rope when being used under no-load conditions.
Using this feature will significantly reduce the time it
takes to rewind your rope after use.
When to use
Use Rapid Recovery to quickly reel the rope in or out
to speed up the recovery process. The rope speed is
approximately five times the speed of standard
operation, so caution should be taken to always reset
the winch to “Low” gear after using the Rapid
Recovery so the speed of the winch will not take the
operator by surprise. Do not pull loads while in Rapid
Recovery gear.
How to shift
To operate the Rapid Recovery, make sure the winch
is not in operation and the rope is not in tension.
Rotate the shift knob fully clockwise to engage “High”
gear (Rapid Recovery). Pulling slightly on the winch
rope by hand will help the gears align and the shift to
be completed. Use Rapid Recovery only to reel in the
rope with “No Load”, then rotate the shift knob back to
“Low” gear (standard operating mode) by rotating the
knob back fully counter-clockwise.
Attempting to shift the winch while the rope is under
tension is dangerous and can result in injuries or
death. Make sure the winch rope is not in tension
before shifting the winch between gears.