iNS/iDS 2-Wire System Manual
Rev. D - 1/20/2021
Page 43 of 107
Button Counters
From the Main Menu, select PBS Configuration, then select Counters. Each PBS keeps a count of events that have
occurred in the button from the date of manufacture. These numbers act as a kind of odometer for the unit and cannot be
reset. The four counts are:
Total Walk Intervals
The number of walk intervals the unit has received. This includes walk
intervals which have been initiated by this PBS as well as walk intervals
that occur while the intersection is in recall.
Actuated Walk Intervals
The number of walk intervals which occurred following either an internal
button push or an externally detected button push. If the walk audio and
button vibration occurred during a walk indication, then this counter is
Button Pushes
The total number of button pushes that have been detected
by the PBS’s
arrow button. This does not include any detected button pushes that
were caused by other PBSs on the same phase.
Extended Pushes
The number of extended pushes the PBS has detected on the arrow
In order to relate the above data to relative time, a logging feature is included which will
add a health log entry including all four counters along with a time-stamp at specific
intervals. For example, if you want to log the data to find out how many button presses
the unit receives in a week, then enable Log Data Every and enter 168 hours. Then,
once a week a log entry will be added which includes the counters.