PoKeys Pulse engine v2 documentation
Return - Return of 0 if there are no faults, 1 is returned if he pin is not found , 2 is returned if the pin
is an output pin.
Example script (finds the PoKeys device with the serial number 25000, then toggles the IO 1
on and off at a rate of 1 Hz):
Sub Main()
DevName = "PoKeys_25000"
Outputnumber = 1
DevID = -1
DevID = DevID+1
SearchName = GetIODevName(DevID)'Search for the Device
If(SearchName = "NoDevice") Then
MsgBox ("Error Finding Device")
Exit Sub
End If
Loop While (DevName <> SearchName)
For d=0 To 60'Loop 60 times to toggle the output on and off for one min
r = SetIODevOutput(DevID,Outputnumber,1)'Activate the output
If(r<>0) Then
MsgBox("Output#" & Outputnumber & " " & GetIODevIOName(DevID,Outputnumber) & " is Not
output" )
Exit Sub
End If
Sleep(500) 'Wait .5 sec
SetIODevOutput(DevID,Outputnumber,0)'Turn the output off
Sleep(500)'Wait .5 sec
Next d
End Sub