PoKeys Pulse engine v2 documentation
Axis switches configuration
In order to configure the axis switches, open Device configuration (either via Config Plugins or via a
dedicated device configuration menu in Plugin Control main menu in Mach3) and switch to Pulse
engine settings tab. The following dialog appears.
There is a separate drop-down menu for each available switch. If external pulse engine with IO
functionality is selected, external dedicated option can be selected in the menu for each switch or a
standard PoKeys digital input pin (the latest is the only option to use when using integrated pulse
engine or external pulse engine without IO functionality).
Home/ref switch has some additional options:
Shared with Limit-
: Limit- switch functions both as Limit- and as home position switch.
During homing, Limit- functionality is temporarily disabled
Shared with Limit+
: same as above, but with Limit+ switch
All switches can be inverted - the green/red blocks on the left of the switch selection options display
the current switch status, with green indicating a free (non-tripped) switch and red indicating tripped
switch. Use the 'Invert' option to switch between the states if necessary.
If limit switches are enabled, PoKeys Pulse engine will enter emergency mode if any limit switch gets
The probing input option is available at the bottom of the dialog and offers mapping the probing
input to either external digital inputs or PoKeys digital input pins.