PoKeys Pulse engine v2 documentation
Encoder (MPG) settings
The encoder page lists all supported encoders with their current settings. Fast encoders (replacing
encoders 1-3) can be enabled by selecting the 'Enable fast encoders' option in the bottom part of the
dialog. Ultra fast encoders (available on PoKeys56 devices) appear as encoder 26 and can also be
enabled using the check box at the bottom of the window.
For other ('normal') encoders channel A and B signals must be setup. Select the appropriate PoKeys
pin in each list. The selected pin will be automatically set as digital input.
To invert the encoder direction (instead of switching A and B signal connections physically) use the
'Invert' option. The check box in the sixth column enables 4x greater encoder resolution. The second
to last column enables selection of encoder to Mach3 OEM DRO mapping.
The option in the last column 'Pendant' tells PoKeys plugin which encoder is used as MPG on the
pendant. In case the 'Pendant mode' is enabled and there is an invalid signal from connected
pendant, changes of encoders marked with 'Pendant' will have no effect on Mach3 or motion.
MPG (manual pulse generator) setup
PoKeys plugin ties itself directly into Mach3 core and does not represent a device a an LPT port-based
Therefore Mach3's Ports and Pins configuration should not be used to setup the MPGs.
If you configure MPG in Mach3's Ports and Pins dialog, these MPGs won't work with PoKeys.
In order to setup MPG, follow the instructions above for an encoder, but select 'DRO 101 (MPG1)'
(for MPG1), 'DRO 102' (for MPG2) or 'DRO 103' (for MPG3) in DRO field for that encoder. Also note,
that the corresponding MPG must be only enabled in Mach3's Ports and pins under MPG tab.
If PoKeys Pulse engine is used, 'Let PoKeys handle MPG jogging' must be checked.
PoKeys Encoders
Enable encoder
check box
Encoder A and B
pins mapping
Enable fast or
ultra fast
Invert direction
Enable 4x
Encoder to OEM
DRO mapping
Encoder used on