POK SA - ZI Les Guignons - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Tel : 03 25 39 84 78 - Fax : 03 25 39 84 90 - Email : [email protected] - Site Web : www.pok.fr
User Manual
Doc 1741 EN
• Maintenance :
It’s important to clean Froggy 2.5’’ monitor with clean water after every use to ensure its good
functionning, check the functionning of the ball valve shutoff and the ball after every use, none of the
components should be blocked, seized up or jammed. Regularly check the equipment visually to detect
Don ’t use corrosive substances to clean the monitor to avoid potential gaskets damage or leakages.
The warranty will not apply if you dismantle this equipment. The dismantling instructions,
given below, are a rough guide.
Don ’t modify the monitor, it can provoke its malfunctionning or even hazards.
POK SA is not liable for any damages that may be caused as a result of dismantling of the
equipment out of our workshops, its modification or bad operating.
Only POK SA is entitled to repair the material and guarantee its good functionning without danger.
However if the spare parts were replaced out of POK workshops, it is necessary to follow the
« installation» procedure to ensure the proper functionning of the equipment.
• Spare parts :
Some spare parts, for instance, gaskets or legs spikes (mark 31) may be replaced more or less often
depending on the frequency and conditions of use or storage.
Please contact our sales department to obtain our price list, after sales conditions or spare parts.
You may refer to the
bill of materials for spare parts references.
Rev-A : 27/12/11
a potential leakage.