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Doc 1741 EN
• Operating instructions:
Before any use of Froggy 2.5’’
, check if there is no missing spare part, if the case, replace them.
The material is designed for a working pressure of 7 bars and a maximum pressure of 16 bars.
Froggy 2.5’’ monitor should be attached to a fixed stable point by means of the provided strap.
Before connecting the equipment to a power supply, check if the handle is in operating position (handle
pointing outside) and the stabilizating legs are unfolded and blocked by the locking device.
Don ’t open the valve abruptly to avoid slipping of the equipment.
The change in orientation is obtained by closing the valve partly to reduce the flow rate.
After use, the stabilizating legs may be folded by pulling out the ring of the locking device.
Rev-A : 27/12/11