POK SAS - 18 Cours Antoine Lavoisier - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 78 - Fax: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 90 - Email: [email protected] - Web: www.pok-fire.com
MOP_LMM_02144_EN_A - 13/03/2019 - Cop
yright© POK S
S - Illustr
ations are only informativ
- Portable monitor, 750 lpm
- Portable monitor, 750 lpm
• Storage
- 1 -
Disconnect the supply pump and remove the supply hose.
- 2 -
Tilt the monitor (back and forth, left and right) in order to remove the water remaining in the pipes and
oscillator. Remove all the water from the monitor, before storing, to keep from corrosion and/or freezing.
• Maintenance of the monitor
In order to guarantee optimum functioning, it is important to:
- 1 -
Clean the monitor with clear water after each use.
- 2 -
In the case of repeated use of salt water, or dirty water, use the monitor with clear water to drain away
any particles and/or corrosive residue that could damage the internal components.
- 3 -
Do not use corrosive products, that may damage the gaskets and lead to leaks.
- 4 -
Check that moving parts are properly working, that no part is jammed nor blocked.
- 5 -
We recommend regular visual inspections to detect potential leaks.
• Restarting procedure
It is mandatory to check the following before putting the material back in use:
- 1 -
Check that no part is missing or damaged.
- 2 -
Connect the material to water supply.
- 3 -
Put a cap equipped with an air valve on the output of the monitor nozzles.
- 4 -
Test the monitor while gradually increasing the pressure until reaching its nominal pressure. Check for
potential leaks.
- 5 -
Put a diffuser or a branchpipe on the monitor.
- 6 -
Test under normal conditions of use with a pressure of 7 bar. Be sure that moving parts are moving
without pressure point or jamming. Operation should last 10 minutes.
If no dysfunction is found the monitor can be put back in use.
If you perform the maintenance by yourself, it is possible that the hydraulic values of the equipment no
longer correspond to those of the delivered product. Only a maintenance carried out in the workshops of
POK SAS can guarantee a precise calibration of your equipment.
During the test process, it is mandatory to take special precautions. Only the staff
concerned by the process of putting the monitor back in service can be around. If
the equipment was not properly reassembled, parts can be ejected and cause
important damages.
• Spare Parts
According to the conditions of use and/or storage, some parts may deteriorate more or less quickly than
Please contact our export service department to be informed of the prices and conditions to return the
equipment to the POK SAS workshop or to obtain spare parts.
Use the exploded views and parts lists to identify the precisely needed parts.
Note :
Identification number of the monitor can be asked to check if the warranty is still valid.
Exploded view
Bill of materials