POK SAS - 18 Cours Antoine Lavoisier - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 78 - Fax: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 90 - Email: [email protected] - Web: www.pok-fire.com
- Portable monitor, 750 lpm
- Portable monitor, 750 lpm
MOP_LMM_02144_EN_A - 13/03/2019 - Cop
yright© POK S
S - Illustr
ations are only informativ
damages to the monitor.
• The monitor has swivel and moving components, keep your hands and all objects away from any pinch
• Replace the instructions stickers if worn or damaged.
• The monitor shall be kept clean and protected against dust.
• Important material damage and physical injuries are to be feared in the following situations:
- Unauthorised removal of a protection part,
- Improper use of the material or in dangerous situations,
- Poor maintenance,
- Maintenance on the material while under pressure.
Never go over the indicated maximum flow rate and pressure, it could result in injuries
to people and/or damages to the monitor.
Never set the stream in a vertical position higher than 85°.or lower than 35°.
The frost damages can be irreversible, drain the monitor at low temperature (near 0°C and
3.3 • Use
An proper usage of POK material implies following the indicated use and maintenance instructions.
Please follow each instruction listed in this user manual.
The equipment should not be used if a component is damaged or missing.
The recommended pressure of use is 7 bar. Efficiency and safety of the material is not
guaranteed beyond this value. Non-compliance with safety instructions and use of
the material over the recommended pressure can be dangerous and even cause death.
3.4 • Limits of use
Our monitors are guaranteed to work with a maximum operating pressure of 16 BAR. Without explicit
written authorization from POK, the warranty will be void if the pressures listed above are exceeded.
3.5 • Spare Parts
Regarding spare parts, only use POK parts and accessories.
3.6 • Safety features
It is forbidden to render safety features inoperative, to modify them or to use them in an opposite manner
to their purpose.