system respond in a certain time to sound alarm. Alarm delay time can be set from 0 to 99 seconds. The
system default is 00 seconds.
Ex: To set alarm delay time to 30s, press #730#, it means the alarm system is triggered, and will sound alarm
after 30 seconds.
3.6. Siren ON/OFF when alarm occurred
Siren Off when alarm occurred
Siren On when alarm occurred
3.7. Siren alarm time
# + [9] + [0~30] + #
When alarm is triggered, and no disarm process, the siren will alarm with a certain time length. [0~30]
means the alarm time in minutes.
Ex:To set siren alarm time to 5 minutes, press #95#. If no disarm process, the siren will sound alarm for 5
3.8. Check alarm zone
Press 0 to 9 digit directly on keyboard to check the latest 10 alarm events, the screen will show the zone
number. (0 is the latest).
3.9. Zone type settings
# + [8] + [1~99] + [0~7] + #
1~99 means the zone No.
means the zone type
0=not use, 1=normal zone, 2=stay arming zone, 3=emergency zone, 4=multi zone, 5=delay alarm
zone, 6=delete zone, 7=repeat zone
If you enter zone no. 99 in this command it means all wireless zones will work as chosen zone type.
Zone Types Introduction
Normal Zone:
If all zones are set with normal type, the system only works under arming and stay arming
status, it is not working when disarm status.
Stay Arming Zone:
When the system is under stay arming status, the detectors under stay arming zone will
not alarm if they are triggered.
Ex: A customer installed a door contact in zone 1(Zone 1 was set into Normal Defense Zone), a PIR detector
in zone 2. ( Zone 2 was set into Stay Defense Zone), the user press “Home” key of the remote control, then
the alarm host is under Stay Arming Status. When the user walks around inside home, PIR detector will
detect the movement of the human and send signal to alarm system, but it does not alarm; if the user opens
the door in zone 1 (Normal Defense Zone ) , the alarm system will alert immediately.
Emergency Zone:
If the detectors set under Emergency Defense Zone was triggered, the alarm system
will alert no matter if it is armed or disarmed status. Emergency Defense Zone is usually used for Smoke
Detectors, Gas Detectors and emergency button, etc
Multi Zone
- the 2 or more sensors set with this type of area, which will be triggered consecutively within 10
seconds when the system is armed or stay armed, will trigger the alarm. This type of area can be used to
reduce false alarms for example.
Each sensor must be individually set to the multi-zone type. Only the sensors you want can be set.
Example: for zones 5 and 18, the following commands are entered:
#854# and #8184#
Delay alarm zone -
When alarm is triggered, the system will respond immediately and siren will sound.
However, when the armed system receives an alarm from a sensor set up with this type of area ( delay
alarm zone), it will trigger the alarm and the siren with delay. The delay is set by the user in the alarm delay