PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1014688 r09.2
TCM User Manual
Page 72
if(count != kDataCount)
// Message is a function that displays a C fo rmatted string
// (similar to printf)
Message("Received %u data elements instead of
the %u requested\r\n", (UInt16)count,
// loop through and collect the elements
// The elements are received as {type (ie. kHeading), data}
// read the type and go to the first byte of the data
// Only handling the 4 elements we are looking for
case CommProtocol::kHeading:
// Move(source, destination, size (bytes)). Move copies the
// specified number of bytes from the source pointer to the
// destination pointer. Store the heading.
Move(&(data[pntr]), &heading,
// increase the pointer to point to the next data element type
pntr += sizeof(heading);
case CommProtocol::kPitch:
// Move(source, destination, size (bytes)). Move copies the
// specified number of bytes from the source pointer to the
// destination pointer. Store the pitch.
Move(&(data[pntr]), &pitch,
// increase the pointer to point to the next data element type
pntr += sizeof(pitch);
case CommProtocol::kRoll:
// Move(source, destination, size (bytes)). Move copies the
// specified number of bytes from the source pointer to the
// destination pointer. Store the roll.
Move(&(data[pntr]), &roll,