PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1014688 r09.2
TCM User Manual
Page 54
For a magnetic calibration, this score indicates if the distribution of sample points is
sufficient, with an emphasis on the heading distribution. The score should be 0.
Significant clumping or a lack of sample points in a particular section can result in a
poor score. In the event of an aborted calibration the score will be 179.8
, or in the
event of an accel-only calibration the score will be 99.99
This score indicates if the TCM experienced sufficient tilt during a magnetic
calibration, taking into account the calibration method. The score should be 0
In the
event of an aborted calibration the score will be 179.8
, or in the event of an accel-only
calibration the score will be 99.99
For a magnetic calibration, this reports the larger of either half the full-pitch range or
half the full-roll range of sample points. For example, if the device is p10° to
-20º, and 25º to -15º, the TiltRange value would be 20º, which represents half
the roll range. For Full-Range Calibration and Hard-Iron-Only Calibration, this should
be ≥45°. For 2D Calibration, ideally this should be ~2°. For Limited Tilt Range
Calibration the value should be as large a possible given the user’s constraints. In the
event of an aborted calibration the score will be 179.8
, or in the event of an accel-only
calibration the score will be 99.99
kSetConfigDone (frame ID 19
This frame is the response to kSetConfig frame. The frame has no payload.
kSetFIRFiltersDone (frame ID 20
This frame is the response to kSetFIRFilters. The frame has no payload.
kStartContinuousMode (frame ID 21
If the TCM is configured to operate in Continuous Acquisition Mode, as defined by
kSetAcqParams, then this frame initiates the outputting of data at a relatively fixed data
rate, where the data rate is established by the SampleDelay parameter. The frame has no
payload. The response is kGetDataResp.
kStopContinuousMode (frame ID 22
This frame commands the TCM to stop data output when in Continuous Acquisition Mode.
The frame has no payload.