PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1014688 r09.2
TCM User Manual
Page 34
Graph Tab
The graph provides a 2-axis (X,Y) plot of the measured field strength. If “w/o User Cal” graph
data is selected, the plot and data provide magnetic field strength measurements after the FIR
taps are applied, but prior to applying the user calibration coefficients. If “with User Cal”
graph data is selected, the plot and data provide data after applying the FIR filter and the user
calibration coefficients. The sample plot shows a 360
rotation in the horizontal plane, with
both “w/o User Cal” and “with User Cal” selected. The offset between these two plots
represents the effect of the calibration coefficients. The graph can be used to visually see hard
and soft iron effects within the environment measured by the TCM, as well as corrected output
after a user calibration has been performed.