PNI Sensor Corporation
DOC#1014688 r09.2
TCM User Manual
Page 57
kTakeUserCalSample (frame ID 31
This frame commands the TCM to take a sample during user calibration. The frame has
no payload.
kFactoryAccelCoeff (frame ID 36
For the current designated kAccelCoeffSet, this frame clears the accelerometer calibration
coefficients and loads the original factory-generated coefficients. The frame has no
payload. This frame must be followed by the kSave frame to save the change in non-
volatile memory.
kFactoryAccelCoeffDone (frame ID 37
This frame is the response to kFactoryAccelCoeff frame. The frame has no payload.
kSetSyncMode (frame ID 46
When the TCM operates in Sync Mode the module will stay in Sleep Mode until the user’s
system sends a trigger to report data. When so triggered, the TCM will wake up, report
data once, then return to Sleep Mode. One application of this is to reduce power
consumption. Another use of the Sync Mode is to trigger a reading during an interval when
local magnetic sources are well understood. For instance, if a system has considerable
magnetic noise due to nearby motors, the Synch Mode can be used to take measurements
when the motors are turned off
When Sync Mode is selected, the TCM will acknowledge the change in mode and
immediately trigger the Sync Mode and send a data frame.
This frame allows the module to be placed in Sync Mode. The payload contains the Mode
ID requested, as given below.
Mode ID
If the module is in Sync Mode and the user desires to switch back to Normal Mode, an
“FFh” string first must be sent, followed by some minimum delay time prior to sending the
kSetSyncMode frame. The minimum delay time is dependent on the baud rate, and for a
baud rate equal to or slower than 9600 there is no delay. For baud rates greater than 9600
the minimum delay is equal to:
Minimum delay after sending “FF
” (in seconds) = 7E-3 – (10/baud rate)
Mode ID:
Normal Mode = 0
Sync Mode = 100