Warranty provisions, about the manufacturer, contact details and the maintenance and inspection form.
Warranty provisions
PLS BV grants 2 years of warranty on the Rail Components. PLS BV does not grant warranty on components
that are prone to wear and tear such as wheels and bearings.
The warranty does not apply to damage or defects of Rail Components resulting from wrong or improper use
and from repairs carried out by persons who are not demonstrably authorised to do so. This will be assessed
by PLS BV or the distributor.
PLS BV reserves the right to make changes to the product, deviating from what is described in this manual.
This is not accountable.
If changes are so significant that the function, operation and form changes to the extent the user can or may
no longer use the Rail Component without further instructions, PLS BV will inform the distributor through a
refreshed documentation package. The distributor is responsible for providing this information to the user.
About Patient Lifting Solutions B.V.
Patient Lifting Solutions B.V. (PLS BV) designs, develops and manufactures Ceiling Hoist Solutions for the
healthcare sector. A reliable hoisting system can be created for each ceiling and in all situations. PLS BV aims
to offer a user-friendly and high-quality Ceiling Hoist System.
The products of PLS BV are manufactured in the Netherlands and distributed by your local distributor.
Contact details Patient Lifting Solutions B.V.
Patient Lifting Solutions B.V.
Barneveldsestraat 26a
3927 CC Renswoude
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.plsbv.com
Tel: +31 (0)318 57 66 68