PlexTools® Installation and Operation Manual
7 Glossary.
This section explains some terms used in this manual.
This information will make the use of PlexTools® easier.
• a-characters.
Consists of the following characters: A-Z, 0-9 and _ (underscore).
• d-characters.
Consists of the following characters
A-Z, 0-9, _ ! " % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? sp .
• OTP: Opposite track path.
A variation of DVD dual-layer disc layout where readout for the first layer begins at
the center of the disc and readout for the second layer begins at the outer edge of
the disc.
• PTP: Parallel track path.
A variation of DVD dual-layer disc layout where readout begins at the center of the
disc for both layers.
• CAV / CLV:
Constant Linear Velocity (CLV) is a technology where the rotational speed of the
disc is changed in order to keep the reading speed constant. The whole disc will be
read at the same speed.
Lately, more drives use Constant Angular Velocity (CAV) where the disc keeps
spinning at the same rotational speed. The data reading speed will vary from a
lower speed on the inner tracks of the CD to a higher speed on the outer tracks.
• Spindown Time:
When a CD-ROM is accessed, the drive will read a file or directory and after a
while, stop spinning in a powerdown mode, to save energy and to lower spindle
motor wear. The Spindown Time is the time after the read that the drive keeps spin-
ning. When you set this time to a higher value, the drive will be spinning longer after
a read action. The standard setting is 2 minutes and is enough for most applica-
• Digital Audio Extraction (DAE):
Digital Audio Extraction is the conversion from audio tracks to *.wav files. Plextor
CD-ROM drives allow DAE at high speed and with high accuracy.
• Advanced Error Detection:
As opposed to data tracks, audio tracks have no error correction/detection informa-
tion included. Because of this it is theoretically impossible to detect and correct read
Plextor CD-ROM drives however have a special function that can detect audio read
errors. PlexTools® can use this Advanced Error Detection and upon errors, instruct
the drive to re-read the sector at a lower speed or to ignore this error.
• Drive speed:
Plextor drives allow a wide variety of different read speeds. They range from single
speed (1X or 150 KB/s), double speed (2X or 300 KB/s) to the maximum speed.
PlexTools® allows you to change the speed settings which may help you to over-