LOCAL mode is useful for applications requiring a constant beam current (or dose) on a target or
substrate. The IBEAM controls the cathode filament current to maintain a steady beam current.
In REMOTE mode, the IBEAM essentially behaves the same as LOCAL mode. REMOTE refers
to the interface with the power supply utilizing the RS232 connection. A computer terminal or
software program is utilized for parameter adjustment.
In MANUAL mode, the IBEAM allows the user to control the cathode filament current manually
from the front panel. The result is the user can increase or decrease the beam current manually.
The beam current is not as stable as LOCAL mode. However, MANUAL mode is useful for
determining or optimizing other source parameters and troubleshooting source operation. In
MANUAL mode the user cannot select a beam current, it is adjusted by increasing or decreasing the
cathode filament current.
LOCAL – User selects beam current and the IBEAM controls cathode filament current.
REMOTE – Same as LOCAL, IBEAM is controlled using RS232.
MANUAL – User selects cathode filament current which manually controls beam current.