Copyright Planika Sp. z o.o.
Prepare the cavity for the insert according to the below scheme. When preparing the cavity take into account
that the surface on which the insert is going to be placed needs to be well-levelled as the adjustable supports
have a limited range of levelling of the insert. The delivered device is already levelled.
The edges of the cavity in which the insert is to be placed need to be finished in an aesthetic way as they will be
visible during normal use of the device.
In case of the cavity being deeper than the height of the device on supports Planika permits a solution where the
device is set on a stable and levelled plinth placed on the bottom of the cavity. The top surface of the plinth should
mm away from the top of the surface of the housing. The ventilation slot or grid must be placed at the
bottom of the housing.
Ventilation grate or slot with ventilation area of minimum
Ventilation grate or slot with ventilation area of minimum